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Everything posted by ikhii

  1. Thanks for the advice, will take note of it. The new signature is a simplification of icons which reads "ikhii@yahoo.com" and also "ikhii@msn.com". I will make it more legible. Here is another work of mine Still trying to get some warships or some airport shots that are fantastic as background, if you found some good ones, do post. thanks ... cheers.
  2. Yeh, i love PG Wing Zero also but when it comes to macross, It's just the love of my life... here is another sunset scene ... will update more soon.
  3. So I guess it's time to finalize the sig design and that's that . I've updated few of the old wallpapers and if you like my new sig design, do download cheers.
  4. oh, sig is just my work. Nothing else. It's not big but will update soon with even smaller designer's sig when i get my ideas done. The email part is for some forumers who wish to get higher resolution of the photos or other request that they would like to make. It's not just for this forumers as some of the viewers are not from MWF. They don't register here but they still can reach me personally through emails requesting other formats or custom color themes. I hope you understand ... cheers.
  5. After I'm done with all the figher mode wallpapers, my next attempt would be .... here's a little preview on what's coming next Stay tune Just loving it...
  6. wow... fantastic paint job man.. salut...salut... Can't wait to see more works and details from ya. Thanks for sharing.
  7. CF VF-0A. It's a brownish grey instead of the beige or tan VF-1A. I think it's a difficult color to reproduce in ABS. I wish yamato opted for a more greyish tone 'cause a very light tan would be too toyish. 402587[/snapback] hmm... i guess the right color does reflect more realism effect towards the toy. Wait till i get my hands on them and really shoot tone so photos and edit them and make them even more real blending with real world photos.
  8. Thanks guys, I will try make the photos blend with the background as real as possible. I still needs to take more great photos that looks real with good sunlight. The other modes will be coming soon. Stay tune. Here are some up coming photos that will be used. Focusing on heavy shadow will make things more lively. I was thinking of putting it on a carrier. Still looking for some good pics but if you found any, do put up the links thanks.
  9. Thanks guys, here comes the real thing ... DOWNLOAD...DOWNLOAD 401833[/snapback] Amazing work! Might I suggest maybe some gun pod fire from the Zero in this wallpaper (tired to find reference screen caps, but no luck yet)? Also, you might want to consider uploading some of your work to this site: http://www.animepaper.net/home/ There is a real lack of decent Mac Zero walls. like yours there... 401900[/snapback] Thanks man for the suggestions. Actually i'm also looking for some missiles launch from the Macross plane. Will try my best to look for good reference and put it in. Consider this wallpaper 70% done. Will update it with nice 'smokes'... thanks for the suggested link. Will upload and maybe link back here. I want MWf to be the main link for all macross wallpapers
  10. will try my best to update all of them. Thanks... more wallpapers coming soon
  11. Thanks guys, here comes the real thing ... DOWNLOAD...DOWNLOAD The title has been placed on the right side.
  12. yeh...will take your advice on that and make some changes. Actually i'm doing the vapor trails on my coming low Vis ... and the logo will be smaller, so as the signitures . Thanks for the advice man. Hope it will keep on coming.
  13. How about the next Low Vis VF-0 ... i've got one already and I got photos to prove it >>>>>>>> very low visibility ya... just with some sunlight, we can do magic.
  14. Great job man, liked the ipod style Here comes another one. Now all wallpapers includes macross Zero logo widescreen resolution and smaller logo: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And my next attempt... coming soon... check in again and i'm sure you will love this one. ... looks a bit like the next low vis VF-0 ya ... maybe it is...
  15. As requested
  16. thanks you guys, check out more pics uploaded on my signiture wallpaper links. You may custom the photos and upload them and share your talent in photoshop i'm sure everyone would love to see some good works and put it up as their wallpapers. cheers.
  17. I will add few more great photos soon and it will be on different mode. All photoshop masters are welcome to use them. And I'm sure you will win everyone's heart if the work is fantastic. I would love to see more ideas out of it also thanks. Here's another raw flight mode.
  18. As Requested and here you go Graham . Do remember to put some credits on top of the wallpapers who ever wish to use this image and make a great wallpaper out of it. Thanks. May the best photoshop masters win.
  19. yo, VF-0 lovers, new wallpapers ... check out the link on my signiture . Today just updated. edited...
  20. Yeh, with good natural sunlight and grey sky, i think it will fit an osean background or takeoff from an airfield or fighter ships. I will find the proper background or if you guys have any good high res picture that you are willing to share as background, do give the links. Thanks. Will work on the wallpapers and make it good. Will be a join effort to make great wallpapers. Of cource, if you have some great work yourself, do upload and share, i would love to see some other ideas. cheers.
  21. Oh... My ... God, I really really X1000 love it man. You are the master of a great work. We all really love to see the thing finish. Fantastic!!!... speachless ...
  22. 400739[/snapback] wow... that's amazing... wanna try some yoga on my VF-1 also after seen the post that you've made.. .
  23. .... thanks... actually it's from the moon light. Need very slow shuttle speed to capture sharp photos while standing on the wing of my plane... It's like Mission Impossible X ...hahahaha... Anyway, some of the samples photos which i'm going to edit later on and hope will turn out fantastic as wallpapers. Coming soon this summer on desktop near you... while waiting, check out the super macro shot that i've took for the VF-0
  24. Yesterday moring, I was on a plane going back to my hometown and I saw 2 fighter plane pass by so I took a photo of them. check this out Check out the rest of the photos here
  25. Hi, this wallpaper section is to challenge photographers like me to take a VF-0 toy and turn it into a real world fighter plane / Gerwalk / Battoroid. For those of you who love to take photographs can join in and make your VF-0 looks real in the real environment. It would be great to see more good works from fans all around the world. Yesterday moring, I was on a plane going back to my hometown and I saw 2 fighter plane pass by so I took a photo of them. check this out And Last night, when i came back from my hometown, I saw another 2 figher plane pass by and I took the photo also. .... hahahaha... u know what.. I actually jump out of the window and took the photo as it's a bit dark. Oh well, by now you know it's 0.01% chances that you will see these baby fly in the sky so here is the last theme for the photo that i got. Enjoy. will come out with more wallpaper soon. Check out this post. For those of you wish to make great wallpapers and share, do post. Thanks.
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