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Everything posted by ikhii

  1. thanks Aegis and the rest, will take note of that and will try to finish up battroid mode first and give a sample to Graham. I've created a lot of Panaromas photos and the 3d is a bit different setup compare to object QTVR. But still, the ideas did came from there. Thanks again for suggestion. ikhii
  2. Yep, i am using a high resolution camera. don't worry about that. it is just a preview version (544x400) of what i'm doing now. The original file is around 3264 x 2448 pix in size. I'm sure it will be huge if i were to maintain that size. You can zoom into every single detail that you wish to see . I'll try to maintain a normal file size what may fit everyones screen. perhaps 800 x 600 would be a good resolution. Thanks for the advice. ikhii
  3. Thanks, vermillion. I am actually finalizing some special stuff to make the thing more presentable. Sure enough i may need your high resolution scans to be put into the QTVR. Thanks for all the scans on wallpaper section.
  4. How about something that would build up everyones interest in this baby. I've created a post under Fan's works for my latest project on 360 degrees macross zeros. check it out. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=23582 Still thinking of getting one? I'm sure this QTVR will convince / convert you ikhii
  5. This is my first attempt and still on going. I hope everyone can enjoy it and sure enough love it. My first QTVR for macross : SV-51 Battoroid Finalized! SV-51 Fighter Mode Beta V.3! (updated 24/9/07) Battoroid mode is ready. I have 2 different designs at the moment. If I got the time, will update more. Now I will turn my attention to Garwalk mode and Fighter mode. * You will need Quicktime player to view the files. Please be a bit patient while waiting for the files to download. Battoroid Mode V.3, Final Design 1 (Sky) and Design 2 (My D.D) : For higher resolution, please click the below links. 'Sky" High Res 'My D.D' High Res Beta v.3 GarWalk Mode (need to reshoot this one) and finally Fighter Mode Beta V.2 (newly updated for preview): Higher resolution for all QTVR will be uploaded upon request. Enjoy and more to come! ikhii p.s. VF-0 is coming soon. sv51gw_ikhii.mov sv51bt_600_D2.mov sv51bt_600_D1.mov sv51bt_D1_1K.mov sv51bt_D2_1K.mov sv51fighter_beta2.mov
  6. wow... sharp eyes there. Didn't really notice that. Nice stuff for the vf 1J, will also grab the 1s.
  7. Yeh, please do share your methods so that we could also enjoy a tighter wings with full load out. My SV51 chicken wings are quite loose even i have yet to transform it. Million thanks.
  8. Just got mine yesterday. Awesome 'little' black bird. Didn't transform it yet, will wait for Graham to show some vids. I have the same case where wings are not folder at the same level. The build in fighter mode is solid. Nothing to complain about. Booster adds weight to the wings and it feels like it will break apart. My right landing gear door don't close so tight. The Stand is nice, love the entire package. I like the detailing. The thing that i wish yamato could do is really look into the QC. All these problems are not what we really wanted to see. It is as if they think customers won't mind and will just go with it even though some of them are perfectionist like myself. I wish everything could be perfect and there isn't anything to report but the fact is, there is something wrong with every valk that i've bought. I just wish Nora will not have this problem. Just fix it. No excuse! Anyway, i would really like this paint job. Especially on Nora. Anyone has any idea if this rare bird is coming out? :blink: I DIG the Boosters more than SV-51
  9. Can show us the size comparison with VF0? I would love to see both birds side by side... Man, can't wait to hold this baby in my hands. :lol:
  10. I'm a bit worried about the gold paint on the plane. Just afraid after few transformation, all the gold color goes off. From the look of the pics on YF19, the gold paint is a bit fade out. Correct me if i'm wrong. Other than that, i'm getting this baby.
  11. I personally liked it due to the package and entire outlook / poses that brings me back to the movies and series. I love it when a cartoon characters comes to live and you can pose them in anyway you wish to. Rebuild a fight scene or just a stand alone hero on my desk. I do really wish that they will come out lots of Qrau though so that we can make all battle scene come true. Also, maybe an armor suite? :lol: :lol: I might go a bit overboard there... but wouldn't it be cool?
  12. My prayer are answered. Both SDF1 and YF19. Yahoo Yamato & Wave. Hope they fixed all the gaps by the end of the year. Christmas will be a joyful one this year. :lol: Now, my request for the 25 years Anniversary! Reactive Armor for 1/60. VF0D PLEASE.... please ... ple... I guess my voice ain't loud enough, common MWFers, Shout louder... it's 25 years of money paid to a company that should listen to our needs. :P ... hahahaha...
  13. We are extinct species and can only be found in rare ebay auctions. If you can't find us in MWF, sure enough we will be bidding for rare macross stuff on Ebay. :lol: :lol: Anyway, it's nearly end of the month and hopefully some news or any news of release, box art, or any new pics that can make our dying breed alive again.
  14. ikhii

    VX-9 "Vampires"

    OMG!... this is one black beauty that i will surely grab if it's in the shops. Fantastic color and i would surely think of doing it on my VF-0s.
  15. Wow... nice stuff you have there... I wish i got the time to do somemore shooting... currently doing something different and will upload and share it soon. It might make your eyes pop. :lol: we will wait and see. All in all, i love the lighting. Maybe can give it a more light at certian area to bring out the YF-19 shape. ikhii
  16. Dobber, great color scheme. And my personal thought, if Yamato were to come out something like what Dobber has done, it will be another hot cake. Now... all we are asking from Yamato is, "GIVE ME MY PERFECT SV-51!" Even though i know there is no such thing as perfect Valk. I really hope i can get it by next week. My hand is itching for something that would melt my heart and say... 'awh.....'. ikhii
  17. Yep... it is officially in Yamato website. http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1091 We will have the next batch of VF-0s and hopefully it will be better then the first one in terms of QC.
  18. If both of the item below are on the list for next year, that would be great. 1/60 Reactive armor for VF-0 1/60 VF-0D That would almost compete the Zero Cycle. Man, I can see it now, A release of Reactive Armor together with NEW VF-0S in it's own box. Awesome!
  19. Oh... My.... Dear.... :blink: Yamato has done it again. Out do themselves. Hope this baby don't crack and break. It melts my heart.... I can't wait ... CAN'T WAIT anymore.... err... at least for another week? :wacko: Now all we need is the other 'Pink' lady to match up with Shin
  20. Thanks Graham for being patient and mention it again. Didn't really read through everything for the past few months. But it's great news to me and some of the newbies i suppose.
  21. Great news and hope there are some real life photos follow by the release. Really can't wait to see this bird flying on the shelf. Any idea on the stand and fast pack? ^_^
  22. NOW THAT LOOKS AWESOME!!! I want one now!!!!... can feel the box in my hand already (even though i'm holding shin's box ) My imagination is running wild on this one.
  23. hmm... sounds like a good thing. It would be somewhere close to transformers new 'blackout' helicopter mode. Press the tail and goes the propeller. If auto morph count as a gimmick in SV-51, that will surely be a topic to talk about. Any new pics from any magazines? I really wanna see more. it's nearly July... man, can't wait... really drive me Cry-Z ... hahahaha...
  24. Guys, you won't believe what i've got. My Shin Kudo VF0 has a very 'BIG' Mouth. Man, he looks like one of the character in South Park ... err. Terrance & Philip... or what ever. I just wanted to tilt the head and the top part came off. Just like that. No pressure given. I think the glue they applied didn't stick. When i transform the thing, it doesn't feel like as tight as the VF0A that i've got. Everything just falls off by itself. The top replacement part that holds the guns with the Ghost will fall off easily when transform it. The joints are ok but still feel not as tight as before. Err... i think I like the finishing color on the 'one sheet of sticker instructions' where the lower part of the valk is lighter. Maybe i'm going to paint it similar color with the nose con. It would look awesome. Anyway, about the head, i think i won't glue it first, may wanna custom build it with some LED lights. Maybe can find a way to make the 'eyes' glow. hahahhaha... i know some macross forumers has done that in 1/72 models. Maybe should seek some advice from professionals here. also, feel free to shoot Yamato for their QC. I think they didn't do a good job on this one. I have to buy a superglue just to fix their silly problems.
  25. Still no scan yet? anyone can get new pics and upload it? i scouted Yamato site and found only this. http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/cont_014/index.html And surprisingly saw a SV-51 flying sky high in You Tube. (maybe old news) but looks awesome. It's the real thing. Check it out! man... can't wait anymore.. really wanna grab this baby.
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