I know that this has been touched on previously in this thread and also here, but apart from the one post at the bottom of that thread from someone indicating that they've never seen a Strike Valkyrie with the "straight" or unnotched, Jetfire style antenna there's nothing conclusive.
I recently received a Strike Valkyrie as a very generous Christmas gift and it's in great condition. It appears to the the Takatoku stamped variety with a Bandai sticker on top, has the textured box and everything else checks out except he came with the straight antenna. I then checked with a friend who collects Jetfires and VF1s, and his Strike also has the straight antenna.
Is it still majority opinion that these are unlikely to be factory genuine, and someone's fitted a Jetfire antenna as part of a repair job to both (and the one in the OP here)? Many of the images from that old thread are gone so there's little reference to go on. But I think almost all Strike photos in the 30+ pages of this thread have the more common Macross notched antenna.
Are Jetfire antenna significantly easier to find as spares? I would have thought the VF1 was more prolific, but could be wrong.
For reference here's a pic of mine, and a pic of my friend's. Any insights or help appreciated and apologies if this has been covered and I missed it.