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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I think the 1/28 Legioss is meant to be in scale with those small transforming cyclones Toynami made.
  2. who is making the 1/28 scale Legioss?
  3. Wow. At first I was bummed out that the figure wasn't perfect transformation. but to be honest, even best perfect transformation ride armor toys are not really perfect transformation as no one has ever managed to replicate the "perfect mounting action" to get the cyclone from bike to suit while the rider stays seated on the bike. The heft of the toy. and the stunning look of it in suit mode really makes up for that though IMHO. I am very happy with my purchase.
  4. This is available on ebay too https://www.ebay.com/itm/316110395972?_skw=beagle+stick+fabric&itmmeta=01JGYR24JFM67XKF8CF1AZADDD&hash=item4999a5da44:g:nCIAAOSwMMNne~F0&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKm9RJxsmHNnZT0UA617jG5DMofx%2FC0sAW6GsS4xnpFGFjIOnYS%2BlX0fXcK80luOW5sdSBnHd1HuIi2ZqC61Il%2BWZNJxz8mK1ZEyeXNhzMI3JeGY1Il16aDKR0rblwyETEqnzwxpZ9uL6iz9y%2FBYJH%2B91XKjID5WR7ap7FepWzGTbPVvcg27H9aSTPW%2BxJ3%2BI1zkDXG8LlYnpWRy4FbsPWQFF8Rn5zoLaIEYceBq1u3sRh8XvX6y4Hnjrw0X1cIjoJDOv5YwMVjRmRBhQgrBDannP4eZ6Sh2Dmh0GJ0CkVq%2FUQ%3D%3D|tkp%3ABFBMuMmI2Idl
  5. Depending on continuity now, Megs has reformed his ways. In the IDW comics he goes as far as switching sides and becoming an autobot In the latest cartoon, I think he is still a Deception, but has gone his separate ways from the main faction.
  6. Here is my YF-21 build up. Real nice kit IMHO, better than the YF-19. Proportions are great in all modes in a way that could only be achieved with parts forming. And yes, I know, gold and metallic colors are not realistic for a military craft. Sue me. I think it looks pretty 😛
  7. Yeah it's the Hot Toy's 1/6th scale hulkbuster.
  8. I think the terminator in this case, considering its going to tower over the Hulkbuster at 3 ft tall when completed.
  9. Sadly no. the instructions, after I translated them using google-translate, just say use Waves B joint. I think I may have found a reasonable replacement for it from a company called hobby base. They look very similar in size and style to what is depicted in the instructions of the models.
  10. not sure about the exact scale. It's scaled to be in scale with other hot wheels I guess?
  11. I do have unit 2. I like both the Aoshima and Moderoid kits for different reasons. The Aoshima kits for the level of detail they offer, and the Moderoid kits for the variety of labors they are producing in their line.
  12. I guess this is the best place to share my build-up of my Aoshima Patlabor Ingrams.
  13. anyone else here pre-order/support the crowd funded Tomy 1/350 scale refit Enterprise? For me that thing is a dream come true. I had planned on eventually building the 1/350 scale Polar Lights kit, and doing the full Aztek paint scheme on it, hell I still might just for the challenge. However, I think it's great this option for people who don't have the time or skill to build the 1/350 scale enterprise.
  14. I got the transformable one, It's really cool. though I paid way to much money for it.
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