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Everything posted by PixelatedShinobi

  1. Ukyo Kodachi evidently loves the game, as shown by the Macross 30 novelization, and I did generally know about its mentions in the Frontier novels. A really interesting one that made me do a spittake is, I believe in either the final Delta TV Mini-Theater or the Passionate Walkure mini-theater, Ernest is talking about the conflicts he's served (and lost) in, and mentions Black Rainbow as one of them. That one nearly made me choke on my drink, it was so out of left field.
  2. Oh crap, I didn't realize the VF-X2 connections went *that* deep. Guess I should get back to reading those. I'd love to get a proper translation of them at some point down the line as well.
  3. I just saw this! I really like what they've done here, the legs sticking out the back are a little awkward but overall the shaping is really solid. I've been slaving away at designing a custom VF that has space for a minifigure, so I might take some notes from this thing's engineering.
  4. my poor, poor baby. my dear sweet baby girl. vf-11b thunderbolt you were too good of a design for us to spend 95% of your career onscreen jobbing out. at least it gets some nice use in VF-X2 and with that sweet paintjob too.
  5. Well, you were dead on the money there! Delta took two years from contest announcement to full release (2014-2016) so I'd bump your timeline back by a year.
  6. God, amen. White Knight of the Black Wing is the one Macross manga that I've read that I would be able to consider actually, no caveats, good. only problem is that it kind of punches a gaping hole in Delta as a TV series. I'm really glad they added some of the information from it into the first and second movies. I'm also very grateful to my friend Double for getting so yaoibaited that she ended up finishing the scans on pure passion alone.
  7. E was such a kinda weird manga. The atrocious unfinished scanlations that are up rn don't really help its case but even without it i suspect I wouldn't really enjoy it that much. Elma is like, the main redeeming quality of it to me.
  8. I don't think it's physically possible to find a new book from an official retailer - even Japanese physical stores must have almost certainly sold out of their stock years ago.
  9. It's finally go time! My bets are on essentially an announcement of the "brand" (title, logo, maybe a theme or catchphrase if we're lucky), but definitely nothing in the way of a trailer or even a PV. Even so, I'm very excited regardless.
  10. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/4048706543?ref_=dbs_m_mng_rwt_calw_thcv_0&storeType=ebooks https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/4048861220?ref_=dbs_m_mng_rwt_calw_thcv_1&storeType=ebooks If you're looking for physicals there seem to be some pretty decent copies being sold on Amazon for alright prices for a ten year old LN that's out of print.
  11. Just checked myself, and yep, nothing there on The Ride (and no Macross 30 novelization either, I must have misremembered). Damn shame, too, I was planning to peruse them myself at some point. At least my plans of looking through the Frontier novels remain unchanged (Gotta find that VF-X2 lore!). Wishing you the best of luck in getting physicals!
  12. I was able to purchase digital raw volumes of Macross Delta Gaiden: Macross E on sites like Bookwalker, and I also found the Macross Frontier and Macross 30 novelizations there as well. If there's a place to look, that might be it.
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