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Everything posted by Dana

  1. 樓下還真有小籠包和生煎,當然,鍋貼,湯圓,海棠糕,包子……附近很多吃的,其實拍攝的地點就在上海的城隍廟,樓頂是塊空地在進行聚會活動^____^ There are a lot of delicious food in the surrounding~~~~~~~
  2. Else of photos~ over~~the background is the Oriental Pearl~(smile )
  3. My friend photos Chinese"Dragon Boat Festival"(端午节) in yesterday, There are a few photos,wait for update~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4. 你的中文真好…… and have some accent with Chinese north ||||||||||
  5. Originally ,I want to such of photograph ,The result didn't take success ……
  6. The address have not to Login : http://www.wocomic.cn/archives/1911
  7. hehehe....Actually,That is a make practical joke,use PHOTOSHOP to Play.....
  8. yes,it`s DC-8,the guy is have some errors,were dismissed by the airline So,It turned into a children's gift~~~~~~~(The place is the children's Aviation Museum)
  9. HOHOHO|||||the honor for me ... ...
  10. 5.16 web address: http://www.macross.com.cn/bbs/read.php?tid=36185 The address have not to Login : http://www.wocomic.cn/archives/1911 5.9 photo album: http://www.macross.com.cn/album/PhotoList.do?folder_id=1279 More number of photos,sorry,loading is slow
  11. http://www.tudou.com/home/user_programs.php?userID=4655025 live video,part7 is Macross 7,and Seventh Moon~ Other of 愛は流れる\私の彼はパイロット\天使の絵の具\愛·おぼえていますか.............. でも、どうして.........have gundam song and 北斗の拳||||||||||||||
  12. Pics address have links,my photo is less,because shooting other cosplayer~~~~~~~ Local Album is slow,sorry, I have`t often used the international album, Replacement album in the future.
  13. song for Frontier,Everyone sings any song together
  14. song for 星間飛行 song forノーザンクロス song for妖精 入籍します~~~~ kira~~~~~ これは何 CP!????
  15. Frontier`s Party of Shanghai 11.29 live and cosplay song for M1,M7,MF…… more: http://www.wocomic.cn/archives/1273
  16. Seaside hasn't positive of photography wind is Strong >_______________< http://www.macross.com.cn/bbs/read.php?tid=32904 positive ……I am too fat T_______T http://www.macross.com.cn/bbs/read.php?tid=33974 BTW,When China's National Day,Fukuyama Yoshiki Came to Shanghai,sang of MACROSS 7 <ANGEL VOICE> T__T very hot…… http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU4MDY5MTY=.html
  17. Wow,The sea is too beautiful~!!photo is very deculture~~~~ I have been to the seaside,too~
  18. In fact ,I usually of back~~~XDDD~~
  19. wow,so cool~~
  20. link photo album: http://photo.163.com/photos/danahby/111977441/ He have to hold music meeting to Shanghai, Hence I Request to the photo. Video frequency on line(TOTORO):
  21. a no..................久石譲ã§ã™......<mononoke hime>(The princess mononoke ?) and <å›ã‚’ã®ã›ã¦>.<TOTORO>..... 宮崎駿's anime compose (?)|||||||||||||
  22. A son of photograph,Because Taiwan earthquake, I can't enter the abroad of BBS............ Take of time is very cold....And the winter have a liking for to go to very fat T_______________T Photo album: http://photo.163.com/photos/danahby/111974444/#p1 BTW,December .group photo and joe hisaishi ~~~HO HO HO HO~~~
  23. ||||||||||||||| The last time photo by Fokker Coser ~~he he he |||||||||
  24. E E E E E~~~THANK YOU!!!!~~~~ I am similar to everyone~~~~~~~~~~
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