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Everything posted by JunkerWold

  1. Unfortunately, the only word to date (as of 9/22/23) has the been the response Crunchyroll provided Anime News Network that there was "no effect on" licenses to the various Macross content, post acquisition of RightStuf. Unless they're contractually obligated to produce those home video releases, I do worry current Crunchyroll may view the Macross licenses as a sunk cost to the RightStuf acquisition and merely let them expire. Of course, it could turn-out a blessing, if some other company eventually got their hands on the rights; it's just frustrating that it'd probably be several years down the road, since most anime licenses are five to ten years.
  2. Yes, to dissuade reverse importation, Japanese licensors began requiring (or in some cases offering as a cheaper licensing option) many North American, anime Blu-rays to maintain locked subtitles, as a means of diminishing the quality of the usually cheaper, overseas discs. For a variety of reasons, including cost to import and somewhat similar pricing to Japan's OOP version of the materials, locked subtitles on North America's (and by extension some of Europe's) release of the OVA + Movie feels unnecessary, since it's hard to imagine any appreciable amount of either the existing or forthcoming vinyl set hitting Japan's secondary market. I do wonder, if we aren't getting screwed by the eventual movie-only disc; assuming it'll be priced in a manner that undercuts the existing Japanese version, the decision may have been to just lock subs on everything. I recognize many don't care, but the addition of locked subtitles made it incredibly difficult to purchase the goofy set that AnimeLimited produced. I will, at least, give the company credit for openly acknowledging the lock subs, prior to release.
  3. Korea's somewhat getting three versions of the set: same price, but each with a different outer slip case. Going by the product pages (link) and speaking just of the on-disc material, the content appears to be the same as the AnimeLimited/Crunchyroll release, but the only available subtitles listed are Korean (no clue whether the subs are also locked, like on the English release).
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