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Everything posted by Steady

  1. I felt like making a custom cover for my Macross Plus box set.
  2. I went ahead and bought a copy. I spent a little more than I wanted, but the seller told me he has kept it in NEW condition since he bought it in the early 80s. Now I can't wait to finally have this. I'll post some pictures when I get it. 🙂
  3. Ahh...good to know!
  4. Thanks for the info! 🙂 jvmacross, so there 2 different sizes of the book?
  5. Hey all, I think I am finally going to pull the trigger and get the Macross Perfect Memory book after staring at pictures of it on the internet all these years. I have some of the other design books and some of the "This is Animation" books, but outside of the Gold Book, this is THE book. and the definitive book on the original series. Were/are there bootlegs? How do I know if its a first printing? Is there anything I should lookout for? I know it came with a poster. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  6. I have a Panasonic UB820 4K player which allows me to move the subtitles off the screen which I guess is kind of nice in this case. I just wish I could turn off the subtitles to the music. Ridiculous that you can't.
  7. I totally agree with you on how they handled the subtitles on this release. Its a real splash of cold water on what is otherwise a nice box set. Here it is next to my Macross the Movie DYRL Laserdisc. Cautiously awaiting the 4K edition of DYRL. I hope they do it right regarding the image quality and subtitles.
  8. Oh no...that's terrible. Mine was packaged like yours--just some thick brown paper in a cardboard box not much larger than the box inside. There wasn't much room to slide around. My order was delivered via FedEx and there was no damage to anything, so it maybe it was the carrier. But I've ordered stuff from Amazon and other places that arrived damaged. Luck of the draw I suppose. I will say that I was a bit surprised at how little padding there was inside the box for something this pricey. I've never ordered anything from Crunchyroll. And after looking around on their site, they don't have anything that interests me. So I doubt I will be ordering from them again in the future. This was kind of a one-off for me. Maybe you could email them (be nice) with photos explaining the importance of good shipping protection for their products. They might try to help. You never know.
  9. Hi Gamma... Yes, I pre-ordered Do You Remember Love on 4K disc from CD Japan a while ago when I heard the news, but thanks for letting me know. I'm really looking forward to that release. As for the disc holders on this Macross Plus set, I tried to put the OVA disc back in the box, but I was afraid of damaging both the book and the disc, so I just put both discs in a temporary case for now. I'll try to order a replacement case from Amazon or something. Maybe they wanted to make sure the discs didn't fall out when opening the book. But I think the design they chose works a little too well.
  10. I used to have an account like over 15 years ago and can't remember my username. Anyway, just wanted to drop by and weigh in on this set. I just received mine and these are my initial impressions. I live in Canada and this set was an eye-watering $250 bucks. Ouch. But it is a nice presentation. Its a heavy box set and reminds me of the old Laserdisc days. In fact, its the exact size of a typical Laserdisc set (12inX12in). This would display nicely with my Macross the Movie Perfect Edition Laserdisc box set but its packed away in a box and I don't have the space to display it anyway. The book is well made with high quality materials, and I'm looking forward to reading though it. This isn't some throw-in afterthought. After flpping through the book, It looks like its chock full of info and concept art which is cool. However, I am surprised they didn't run this through a basic spelling and grammar checker for an otherwise lavish book. The artwork on the 12x12 cards and the little Sharon Apple poster is nice in a nostalgic 90s way, but I will never look at them again and will only get in the way when I open this set. As for the discs, they are indeed difficult to remove like others are saying in this thread. I may put them in a simple DVD case later. The image quality is fantastic and is a massive improvement over the old ancient DVDs, which honestly, was I always thought was a shoddy VHS transfer. The 2.0 stereo is fine on the episodes. I haven't watched the movie edition yet. The biggest issue I have with this set is how the subtitles were handled. The audio tracks and subtitles settings are combined into one option and I think that is an odd decision. If you select Japanese audio, you get the subtitles whether you want them on or not. The subtitles are cannot be turned off from the disc's menu. Thankfully my 4K Blu-ray player can turn them off in the player's menu settings if I just want to watch the program without subtitles. One more thing...and I realize this is a thing for many Japanese animation fans, but I don't like having subtitles for the pop song sequences. I really don't care at all. For me, they get in the way. I wish there was a "no subtitles for songs" option. So, I finally have this on Blu-ray. Physical forms of entertainment are becoming more and more rare, and I highly doubt there will be a 4K release. I don't really watch Japanese animation anymore, but Macross Plus is one of my favorites from way back in the 90s, so I pulled the trigger on this. I only bought this set so I could get the 4 episodes, so its quite a steep price to get those. Overall, I am glad to have this even though I think it could've been executed better. Update: I already slightly bent up the Sharon Apple poster trying to put everything back in the slipcase. My advice--just put the poster inside the book.
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