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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. I love it when its obviously a bootleg and they still put the copyright warning on the back. 🤣
  2. To me, it looks like shading because in the in the image you posted, its a gradual change from white to blue--and its a light blue. On the new Bandai toy, its a solid color. I always interpreted the "dividing line" you're talking about as a way to illustrate the sharp crease in the sheet metal of the car's body. I always thought of the car as all white. Its a cool model otherwise.
  3. Looks great except for the lower half of the car being blue. Why did they do that??
  4. He's brilliant in The Conversation.
  5. Scyla, Region free players are great. They give you a lot more interesting options.
  6. This set is locked to Region A. 51 episodes divided up over 4 discs. Subtitles can be turned on and off whenever you want which is nice. The opening and ending credits have dual subtitles--English and English pronunciation of the Japanese lyrics. Its kind of interesting how they put this together. All of the episodes on each disc have been combined into one video file. Think of it like a really long movie with chapter stops for the episodes. So the next episode just starts whether you want it to or not. I guess its not a bad thing. I just felt like mentioning it. Are other shows formatted like this? There are no extras. This is as bare bones as it gets, but we should be grateful they did this at all.
  7. I just received this and watched a little bit of the first episode, and just based on my initial impression, I think Discotek did a pretty good job on this. The image quality is quite nice. It doesn't appear to have been AI'ed to death or heavily DNRed. It looks like it should--a clean presentation of an animated show from the 80s that was made on film. Over the last few years, Discotek has been releasing some great stuff from the 80s and early 90s, which was when I watched a lot of Japanese animation. But I'm still quite shocked Bismark has been given English subtitles and a North American release. The American version of this show, Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs, was not popular and the toyline didn't even get released here. When I was a kid, I was a big fan of the Saber Rider version, but now I'm really looking forward to finally watching the original version.
  8. The thing about comparing the animation cels to the finished movie is that when you look at a cel, you are looking at it in a completely different lighting environment. You're looking at the cel at your house, maybe framed on the wall, or in a dimly lit bedroom, or a brightly lit living room. Maybe you have warm lights in your house, so it makes things slightly more yellow. The colors could look one way, then you could view the cel in a different room and the colors could look completely different. To really compare the colors accurately, you would need to replicate exactly the lighting environment that was used when they photographed the cels back in 1983 when they were making the movie. And of course, that would be impossible to do.
  9. That looks like an awesome book. Does that book contain the storyboards for the entire film?
  10. It wasn't. I could be wrong--I'm sure someone will correct me if I am--but the story I read was that they planned on ending the movie with the concert, but didn't have time to produce the sequence. They barely had enough time to finish the movie. So years later, they used the concert footage from Flashback and edited it into the end of the film and released it on home video as the Perfect Edition. Those releases also contained the movie trailers. I'm kind of surprised the 4K disc doesn't have the trailers.
  11. Yeah, I have to admit that ThreeZero VF-1 toy looks pretty good. I'm still aiming for a 1/48 Bandai DX. YOLO. 😄
  12. Ok I have another one. Ha ha. In DYRL, when the Macross returns to Earth, virtually all life has been wiped out. Hikaru found that weird fish, but that was about it. Ha ha. What's interesting though is that the citizens on the Macross appear to just go about their business like nothing has happened. I figured there would be widespread panic or mass hysteria to find out that Earth has been transformed into a lifeless rock. Was there some kind of media black out on the ship? I'm guessing all of the observation decks were closed. Ha ha I just like to think about this kind of stuff.
  13. Can the fuselage of the VF-1D be removed and attached to a VF-1S like in the third episode? And just for fun, is it possible to have double rocket booster Strike cannons?
  14. That's a very informative site. The comparison photos are great. Regarding the Harmony Gold thing, and I don't want to derail the thread, so I'll be brief. I just feel that Harmony Gold's Robotech products are inferior in every way to the official Big West Macross products. Yes, the Macross toys are expensive. So I don't buy many--but when I do, I buy the real deal. The classic Takatoku 1/55, and 1/48 Yamato/Bandai toys were designed with Kawamori's input and have his endorsement. That carries a lot of weight in my opinion. Anyway, that is my stance. That VF-1S Mechanical Edition just looks insanely awesome.
  15. I just checked out the Unix Square version...Nope. LoL. And I'll never support anything with a Robotech label on it.
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