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Everything posted by Simone

  1. yes it is! but i don't know how look the other pages, I know this page on the site, but i never understand how find the other pages
  2. thanx! now I'll compare the sprues in the photo whith thoe in the box to make sure they're the same!
  3. it is probably that, thanx! but I translated fron italian which is the correct word for identify this blue print? I make a lot of researchon google and probably I used the wrong words
  4. Hi everibody, I have an old kit, I bought in 95 or 96, i didn't remember. Unfortunately I have lost the assembly instructions over the years. Iwould like to start adding now that i am rewatching the anime with my children. Does anyone have this kit with the instructions still? If so, could you kindly send me a pair? the photos of the pages are enough. Thank you!
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