Hello everyone, I am having a tough time with the 3D models already posted, I got some of the Models to work, but I need ones of higher quality with internals for the cockpit pit, I know it's odd but I'm looking for 1/1 scale, because I am looking to Pilot it in ZeroG racing and Space races in VR Resonite, the models I've found don't have cockpits, and the texture has to be redone to have the 1/1 details (caution signs, emblems, logos, lining, etc), I was hoping for game rips since they sometimes have internal cockpits with the model, but I can't understand or get the UtaMacross rips to work, I have a physical and rom of Macross 30 Voice across the galaxy, I just dont know how to get at the models, I am debating about buying Macross Shooting insight while it's on sale to try to get those models, but I don't know what game engine it uses if it's unity or unreal or something completely different, if it's unity I can get at the game models, and if anyone of you out there Custom make or build valkyrie 3d models with internals please let me know, I won't ask for freebies for homemades, cause if you make art, sculpt, design, paint, you should be compensated, and if you want to sell homemade models please let me know, again this is for me to be able to Pilot them in VR for ship racing, any and all info help! Even if it's just the uncolored 3d models with internal cockpit that is a huge help! Thank you!