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  1. just curious do you have info on this publisher as i can't find much
  2. I am 90% sure i first saw it by convincing my mother as a young kid to get The Anime Network for me here in Canada but i might be wrong as it has been such a long time. However i had seen macross DYRL prior due to that Best Film & Video Corp VHS that was being sold for cheap from the local rental shop when anime DVDs were taking off. I do remember being confused as the name changes due to seeing DYRL first however i had no idea that Macross was its own seperate thing until i saw Robotech II & Macross II (both on VHS) side by side as non-dialup internet was still a luxury in my city
  3. It was both DVD from ADV Films & Blu-Ray through Funnimation/crunchyroll. As far as i could tell Mospeada wasn't on VHS in Australia either & it wasn't until a Yellow Box Set that contains the remastered edition. I wish i could find more info. Additionally prior to ADV making the remastered versions from new Japanese scans they sold "Lecacy Editions" which were the raw broadcast versions
  4. I was shopping for macross stuff when i cane accross this oddity. I have checked the robotech wiki & even tried contacting Harmony Gold (who i'm well aware is a MASSIVE TABOO to us uncut Macross Maniacs) but was unable to find out the answer. Please forgive the lack of photos as i've taken every image I could find online that shows off the set in as much detail as possible on this obscure set.
  5. I am genuinely pissed about the cut Macross 7 scene as i was gonna binge all of macross legally but this frakks over my plans as all they'd have to do is add a simple 5 second disclaimer. Mind you i've been waiting since i was around 8 for the remainder of macross series as i had read about them on this very forum after i had rented the ADV macross DVDs, both the film & OVA versions of Macross II & PLUS on VHS, with me owning the uncut movie tape from Best Film & Video along with the Harmony Gold Macros pilot (4 episode version)
  6. i would love a 1970s style tekkaman figure. i'd even take a blade version repainted to look like the 70s version
  7. so it's alternate way of saying Chunky Monkey
  8. i would buy the Legioss but am having to hold off as i plan to get a FUGU FG-01 (3rd party Valkyrie that is Jetfire themed) from some guy named Lord Of Lard on TFW2005
  9. sorry for late reply as i was busy but thank you very much on the insight
  10. Does anybody have any info about this Dairugger/Vehicle Voltron that comes with a toy pistol? It credits BIG BEAR on the back of the box which i presume to be a gun type used as a basis for the mold
  11. I was shopping around for dairugger/vehicle voltron toys & discovered this odd one that came with a toy pistol & was wondering if anyone have any info on it? I've tried searching around & found nothing but the same listing i took the photos from.
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