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  1. Always loved how they reused Zentradi ship hulls for the big cannons. Great bit of worldbuilding, literally fusing Zentradi and human ship design language.
  2. I was actually looking at Macross STLs earlier today, funny enough. There's just not many Zentradi models out there, and none (as far as I know) do the cool opening cannon thing I like from DYRL.
  3. Feels sort of antithetical to Macross' general theme of humanity and art...
  4. I would LOVE a Macross Cannon. It'd probably need to be a lot smaller than the 1/4000 SDF-1, though, probably 1/10000 or 1/12000 lol. Would also love for some Zentradi kits. I know some exist out there in 1/20000, but I don't think they've been reprinted in a while, and they tend to be a bit too expensive for my taste for their size...
  5. Coming from a Gunpla builder, don't hold your breath. Still waiting on that RG GM and Gouf...
  6. Honestly, as someone very new to the franchise, it seems easiest to just assume everything is only truly canon to itself, and references to other stuff doesn't make those things more or less canon. In more related discussion, having this VF-19 on my desk for a few days makes me really hope we get a VF-22 in HMR at some point. Gotta get Gamlin's VF in here to have someone to bitch about Basara playing music on my shelf, haha.
  7. This is a VERY impressive level of scratch building and kitbashing! I loved doing the 1/1000 2199 Yamato kit I did about two years ago, was never able to find one of these Andromeda kits at a decent price, so as good as it's looking, it does hurt a bit seeing one cut up so bad...
  8. Is it blood, or spores? I've heard conflicting things on that lmao. either way, it's a cool look. iirc, the jet mode has more white, since it being in battroid mode when it got covered acted as a mask and kept some of it white. Really cool look, kinda mixes the VF-19 with some of the YF-19's colors.
  9. Huh, I guess that is the one. I was kinda thinking of the post-whale one that Basara flies off in at the end, after it gets coated in red, but that one is probably more likely than the one that showed up for all of 20 seconds lol
  10. Thinking of remolds/repaints they could do, what do we think the chances are of the one from the end of Dynamite 7 getting a figure using this mold? Pretty low I'd think, since I don't think I've ever even seen a full image of the thing, but from what I remember of it, the red and white look pretty nice.
  11. bit of a side note, but does anyone know where to find good images of the "hangar" (and I use that term very loosely) that Basara stores the VF-19 in? I want to model and 3d print a bit of a diorama to set it in for display, but I don't want to rewatch the whole show for a few screencaps, as much as I enjoyed it the first time.
  12. For 3d printing sphere-like things like this, or really anything that would need 90% of it's support from well, supports, and not printed directly onto the print bed, I've found that cutting it in half works a treat. I just use 3D Model Builder, comes stock on windows I believe. It does lead to needing to trim some elephant's food on the models once printed and assembled, but it still ends up with a much cleaner look that needs much less polishing and post-processing.
  13. Thank you for the warm welcome! also, as for what Chas asked, I am going to use some clear paint to make some of them red. I'll also be using glow in the dark and florescent paints to add a lot more small light pinpricks, which won't be lit, but will give it a good sense of scale and help keep it looking alive when the LEDs aren't on. Also, a lot of DYRL shots of it look like it has red and white markings, and not lights, so those should help keep it from being pure grey.
  14. Thank you! Now hopefully I can finish it within a reasonable amount of time, and not let it fall into my pile of WIPs stuck in limbo...
  15. Wow, that looks... so much worse to me. I know remastering isn't exactly a walk in the park, but removing all film grain and detail just in favor of more pixels is never good. Makes the whole thing look like someone smeared Vaseline over the camera lens. I guess its an upgrade over the bluray, only in the sense that there's more pixels for the same amount of detail. I don't really care for the color correction either... kinda a bummer. Good anime remasters are a rarity, I suppose.
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