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Everything posted by deanrol

  1. I recently tackled a more compact project after the hefty build of my YF-19, and I'm currently working on an SD VF-1S. The instructions are coming along nicely in Stud.io. If you're looking to enhance your builds, consider adding some lego lighting to bring them to life. It’s a fantastic way to highlight details and add a touch of realism to your models. I’m excited to see how the lighting will elevate the final look of my new valkyrie!
  2. Boosters and drones can enhance performance by providing additional thrust or tactical advantages, but they do add weight, which can impact the thrust-to-weight ratio. In the anime, planes equipped with boosters or drones often showed improved acceleration and dogfighting capabilities, reflecting their effectiveness despite the added weight.
  3. It’s great to hear how much you enjoyed Macross The First Volume 01! The blend of nostalgia and fresh elements really makes it special, and it’s exciting that you’re looking forward to the next volumes.
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