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  1. Thanks, I hate it. it’s silly, so I kinda like it.
  2. I ghotta say it seems like a solid "toy" for the price. Can't say I have really seen anything negative about it and I don't thhink I would hate one on my shelf.....
  3. You make a couple of good points, and if I was sure I had all of my packaging, sure I'd throw a bit of a fit for myself. But I might have thrown out some of the packaging and the price has only dropped $4 since I bought it, so not worth much more of a fuss. However, Im gonna take note of that amazon number, and everyone else should for instances like this. I would have been perfectly cool if they said let us send another and if that one is acceptable, you can send the other back or keep it so we dont have to deal with this with anyone else. However this does give me an opportunity to reach out to my local community and find a new friend with a 3d printer that would print a few things for a donation of resin. If Bandai responds to the pic and link, I'll post it up here.
  4. Thats pretty damn sweet!
  5. As it’s been two months, I doubt Amazon will do anything at this point in time. I responded and sent them a screenshot of the “fake” storefront on Amazon. If I want an antenna at this point in time, I either need to do what some jackass did to mine, 3D print it or just not give AF. I mean I’m already used to not seeing it on mine.
  6. Yeah, I’ll prob try to find someone to print me one and maybe one of those ghost drones too.
  7. Well I guess that’s my answer. Oh well.
  8. I just keep telling myself that technically it could show up tomorrow. It probably wont, bit it could.
  9. Ohh, I preordered one in late December from TF Direct, estimated release first half 2025. Man thats vague. Got a good deal though.
  10. The email I got said approx 8 weeks, so the would put me end of feb or early march if Im lucky. Im used to seeing it without at this point, lol.
  11. Only offer they gave me was to return it for a refund. I'm instead just waiting for Bandai to send me a replacement antenna.
  12. Apok451

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Ohh yeah a Ghost would be awesome.
  13. Apok451

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I did get a really good deal on a solid yf-19
  14. Apok451

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I just want the damn missiles. I mean Ill take the other stuff too, especially the arm cannon, but I really want the damn missiles.
  15. Thankfully I didn't get a cracked canopy. However, I did get sold one as "new" from the Tamashii Nations store on Amazon. What I got was an open box that someone stole the antenna out of and returned the box without touching anything else. Should get a replacement antenna from Bandai in a few weeks.
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