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About phoenix01

  • Birthday 12/07/1972

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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. Grimlock say me don't like Michael Bay. But me rents stupid movie anyway.
  2. How does GI Joe rate as a Sci-fi series? Let alone Godzilla or Dragonball. Farscape for me. Followed closely by Stargate SG1.
  3. Yeah, just as whiney as Tony Oliver.
  4. Courtesy of MS Paint: The VF-1Spidey And the stars of the movie
  5. You gotta say this for Skiffy: they're consistent. Invisible Man Farscape SG1 Now BSG Only thing left is Dr. Who. My money is on Who lasting another season, before getting cancelled in favor of Mansquito the Series.
  6. Actually, that's the name of my stillborn son. It means "comfort" or "rest."
  7. Nah, Minmay would have a couple of hit records, get married to a wanna-be rapper, have two kids, divorce the rapper, then party with Paris Hilton and no underwear, shave her head, and enter rehab. Either that or sue to have the sex video she made removed from the internet. And the others... Ichijo Hikaru - president and CEO of the Ichijo Flying Circus, he secretly pines for Minmay, buys her hair on the web auction after she shaves it using the pensions of his employees, bankrupting his company's pension plan. He pleads guilty and is sentenced to sixty years in prison, and is paroled after two years. Hayase Misa - after a career in the military, she leaves for public office, gets involved in a scandal or two before becoming a radio talk show host. Roy Focker - gets busted for sexual harassment, flies for JetBlue airlines. Max Jenius - invents HGH enhancers that prevent aging because he's a genius. Kakizaki Hayao - dies in a car wreck (some people can't escape their destiny). Bruno Grobal - retires from active duty and purchases Halliburton. Claudia LaSalle - enters politics. After a successful run as a congresswoman, she hits a policeman for not recognizing her because she's drawn differently than before (she wasn't wearing her ID). Apologizes and loses her reelection bid. Kaifun - becomes Minmay's manager and co-star in the sex video (ewww....)
  8. Maybe it's the start of a crossover "Macross meets..." Gundam Star Trek The Uncanny X-Men Abbott and Costello Scooby Doo The Partridge Family The Wolfman Battlestar Galactica The Simpsons Bad idea...
  9. Anything with the words "epic" and "television" in the same sentence isn't epic.
  10. Yes, please.
  11. Is it too late to change my vote to "It will suck"?
  12. Ask and ye shall receive, courtesy of MS Paint! [attachmentid=39936]
  13. What's plastered on the walls of Cobra Commander's office: [attachmentid=39930]
  14. No, it's not a LOTR, it's a Star Wars: A New Hope. Evil knight betrays and kills nearly all his fellow knights, setting up an empire. Only a small band of rebels stand in his way. Young farm boy discovers he has a special power and is mentored by a crazy old man who is the only one to have escaped the purge of the evil knight. As they travel to join the rebellion, they rescue a young maiden from the clutches of the evil knight. Can Eregon Skywalker stop the evil Darth Galbatorix? Find out in Eldest: the Empire Strikes Back
  15. Nice job! Psst. What is it?
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