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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Haha! That was very clever, I literally loled! Ha
  2. I really enjoy it when everything is in the same scale!
  3. Finished the falcon!
  4. Xmas! I got the falcon and a vf-1j! Finished the Minerva too!
  5. I forgot it’s bubble!
  6. I forgot it’s bubble!
  7. Quick lil project, it was on sale at wise guy hobbies. Not a paid ad! Haha Somthing just for fun. Wasn’t too concerned with seams or flaws. Love these small kits.
  8. Quick lil project in between projects!
  9. It’s done and a cool model! I sprayed it with Taniya’s pearl clear to finish it up!
  10. It’s done! Por fin! I coated in a ton of pearl clear by Tamiya!
  11. I grew up in west Texas in the 90s,aka pre internet and it’s truly bizarre to see new macross 7 kits at a chain model store like hobby town. The times have changed! Oh, they still have the Big West sticker! That never changes! Don’t you forget it Bandai!
  12. Base coat done! I need to clean up the over spray and do some hand painting, then decal etc. I also broke the right arm connector! Gotta fix that too.
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