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Everything posted by Nemus

  1. Wow aesthetically the LV-7 Excalibur is wonderful, too bad they killed the project. I wanted to ask you, but is the VF-9 really that small? On macross2.net it says that it is only 11 meters long
  2. Thank you so much
  3. Hi guys, I need to paint a YF-0 Phoenix and a Sv-262Hs Draken III. What colors do you recommend? I would like to paint them with an airbrush, but I don't know the color codes or the brands to buy. I have a cheap airbrush but I would like to try anyway. I printed the models in 3d resin, the place where I work has 3d printers, and when I do maintenance, they occasionally allow me to print a model. For now I only have these two. Any advice is important to me, I have never painted anything. Thanks a lot guys
  4. yes, on paper it should be like this, but our reasoning is contradicted by the performance of the planes on the screen. They go faster with drones than without drones. That's why I wanted your opinion
  5. it makes sense, but seeing how much better the vf-31 was with its boosters, it makes me think they must be damn light
  6. I was wondering, do you think boosters or drones used to increase thrust are more effective in terms of actual performance? I know it seems strange to say, but they seem heavy, increasing the weight so much, doesn't it negatively affect the thrust/weight ratio too much? From what you saw in the anime, did the planes with boosters or drones attached actually have a big gain in acceleration and dogfighting ability?
  7. thank you so much 🙂😊
  8. thank you so much guys 😊😉
  9. in terms of dynamic specifications it is therefore superior to any other aircraft. Too bad about the durability of the engines. How does it compare in firepower and armor to the YF-29? ------- I would really like to get the Master File documents, and others like Macross Chronicle, I really like reading the specs of the planes. Are there any translations or are they only in Japanese?
  10. so do we know the output of the SV-303 engines?
  11. guys, last night I finished watching Macross Delta. All in all I liked it. However, I believe that the story has too much content focused on the walkure and existential dramas of the protagonists, to the detriment of the aerial combat scenes... which are what I wanted to see Macross for. I was very sorry about this, the battles between Messer and the White Knight were epic, I really liked them a lot. Macross Delta has taken the Game of Thrones habit.......well, if there are strong and charismatic characters..........they die.
  12. I get it, it's some sort of extreme attempt to force performance up to that of a sixth generation fighter that destroys its engines after 25 minutes. In those 25 minutes, is the aircraft's performance superior to or equal to that of a YF-29? Being sixth-generation fighter performance, for those 25 minutes it should be stronger, right?
  13. Were there also variations of the YF-29 made? If they were made, I don't want to imagine what monster came out
  14. when I read the data sheet of the VF-27 I immediately assumed that it was stronger than the YF-29 precisely because of the BDS. I had naively thought that having both 4 engines they were on the same level, and that the BDS would have made the difference. But I was told that the VF-29 defeated both the VF-27 and 3 drones at the same time..........how it did it still escapes me. Anyway, even if the BDS is extremely expensive and complex to maintain, I think it would have been nice if there was a single aircraft in the hands of an ace, equipped with BDS, perhaps an aircraft in an extreme variant, such as the VF-31X4. Are there any variants of the YF-30 in the master files? Like those of the VF-31?
  15. in my opinion the YF-21 mind control system was abandoned too soon. It should have been developed and improved. Imagine the reaction times on modern fighters like the VF-31AX
  16. So basically we can say that what makes the YF-29 superior to others is the complex. Although it has a lower thrust-to-weight ratio than the YF-30, the YF-29 has stronger weapons and armor, and greater maneuverability given by wing engines that rotate 360 degrees and large-scale maneuvering verniers. And what about the SV-303? What do you think?
  17. I get it, but does Macross Chronicle write officially? That is, do Bandai and the creator of the work authorize what he writes? Because if both have approved then it is certain that this is the case, otherwise they couldn't both be valid as values? On macross2.net they say that no one knows what the true value is
  18. that's a great point, the engines that rotate 360 degrees and plenty of maneuvering rockets make it really manoeuvrable. A thousand thanks . So on the YF-30 jammer we only have the Macross 30 reference. One question, but why did the YF-29 go from 67 to 46 weight/thrust ratio?
  19. I understand. I ask this because in a similar discussion this very system was talked about, and reference was made to this quote: Macross 30 (M30) novelization: "This system interferes directly with Fold Space, or Sub-Universes. When fully operational, it is capable of disabling all sensors within range. In addition, it acted as a powerful jammer against the Fold Wave system on the YF-29 and other aircraft , suppressing the functionality of their Fold Quartz." Is this quote canon? As for the weight/thrust ratio I'm perplexed, if the YF-30 Chronos is 53 and the YF-29 is 46, how is the YF-29 better in dogfighting?
  20. oh ok, thank you so much. One at a time I think I'll see them all 😁
  21. Hi guys, I think this is the most common question asked......but I've been wondering this for a while now, so I prefer to ask you who are more experienced and have read the Macross master files. From what I understand, the strongest should be the YF-29 Durandal, due to the pure Fold Quartz taken from Queen Vajira and her exceptional weight/thrust ratio, if I'm not mistaken it should be 67 or 69. Immediately after there should be the YF-30 Chronos, which has a weight/thrust ratio of 51.........but here I have a doubt, because I read that it has a system that can suppress all functionality of the Fold Quartz, so if it fought the YF-29 it would win? It would disable everything that depends on Fold Quartz, including the Inertia Store Converter.
  22. What is DYRL?
  23. Thanks guys, I started watching Delta by chance, I know I should have started from the beginning, but now I'll finish Delta and then maybe start another series when I have time. For the moment I can say that I really like it.
  24. Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum, I couldn't find the presentations section, so I posted here, I apologize if I'm in the wrong section. I recently entered the world of Macross, I'm watching Macross Delta and I have to say that I really like it. This forum is really nice and full of information about this wonderful Anime. greetings guys 😉
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