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Cannon Fodder

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  1. King of the space fish. I guess this is the final version. Time to move on.
  2. I would like to make one when I get the chance. I'm still focused on VF-25 to 29 parts. Maybe next month.
  3. maybe I can help. 


  4. I 've just finished reconditioning this vf. For Spring dovel pins, I push them out and heat them up to expand a bit and clear acrylic paint on joints with regular pins.
  5. @no3Ljm. That silicone trick for ball joints worked very well. Here's more stuff I made for renewals. I love playing with toys
  6. Thanks. I paint in front of it. Wait till you see my monitor XD
  7. Working on Pin-Point-Barrier Punch Effect parts for 1/60 DX toys
  8. Remixed a 40cm file of the Iron Fossil from Darius down to a 15 cm figure with all the articulation and gimmicks carried over. Here's the prototype. Will be doing tweaks and head replacement for a King Fossil type.
  9. This made my day Yollow parts solution XD
  10. Currently scaling.
  11. I think so as well. Couldn't even find my old stash there. https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/tool/dx-vf-25a-custom-parts-set-a Anyways. Sharing some custom parts for the VF-25A
  12. It's a wrap on these custom parts for the DX vf-25A
  13. At my local region. I'm trying to work up ways for these to be out via Shapeways or something. Shipping from where I'm at over there is too much.
  14. There are actually hinges shared online before. A member even updated me with one. But what I'm trying is a type of hinge that is thicker and have additional locking mechanisms for Gerwalk mode.
  15. I'm currently developing replacement hinges.
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