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Everything posted by Darth_Tater69

  1. https://youtu.be/pdwb_06eHYY Bobby Skullface (US) released a review
  2. Post office must have a bone to pick with you, I've never had a show.z store order ravaged like that. When it comes to 3rd party transformers retailers I usually respect their packaging the most
  3. Last off topic post I pinky swear Just wanted to tell you guys I did end up ordering a Yamato 1/60 V2 Roy Fokker with super parts (tv version) off ami-ami for about 150 bucks thank you for the suggestions I might end up getting the VF-1S version of the threezero depending on how it turns out, but I am cancelling my VF-1J preorder. Maybe if they release a VF-1J GBP box set with a bunch of missile display parts I'll buy that
  4. Wait are the VF-1s larger than the yf-19 and yf-21??? Idk why but i always assumed the VF-1s were significantly smaller
  5. Maybe I'm just inept at using mandarake but even the used Yamato v2 toys I find seem to be more expensive than the threezero. I'd think that 16~ years post release they'd depreciate some. Best deal I found was a Yamato V2 Fokker super Valkyrie for 160 + import fees and such. At that price point it's hard to argue against just settling for the threezero
  6. Damn, now I'm tempting to get my hands on a Yamato v2 toy. Cheapest way I've found to do that is the Valkyrie factory KOs, are they any good? I'd normally go for the official but, as you all know, the secondary market for this stuff blows in the States
  7. I thought the bandai dx was considered to have the best overall engineering? Though I've never owned one so I can't say myself, that's just what I heard
  9. Can you get that 3rd elbow joint unlocked?
  10. https://showzstore.com/threezero-robotech-robo-dou-vf-1-j-veritech-rick-hunter_p5401.html It's now instock at show.z store
  11. Why is this figure so expensive? 350 on bbts vs the 250ish of the yf-19 seems weird to me
  12. God I hope they didn't glue that triple joint, if makes a big difference in how the upper arms look to me. Seems much cheaper without the lower part activated.
  13. I hope threezero does drop accessory packs for both the GBP and super parts. If they make me buy a whole new figure just for them I'll lose my marbles
  14. I take it that's a hi metal r next to a kitzconcept next to an Arcadia 1/60 next to a dx chogokin 1/48?
  15. Looks like it is a triple joint. Maybe the tolerances are so tight that nobody who owns one has notice it can move?
  16. Also, does anybody have a comparison shot of the threezero next to the kitzconcept or is capable of taking one?
  17. Idk if this is controversial or not but I really like how much beefier the threezero is. It looks more like how I remember the VF-1 looking in the show. I know in modern appearances and from a mechanical design standpoint, the Yamato and company are more accurate/realistic but there's a certain personality to the cartoony proportions of the threezero.
  18. It's not exactly obvious which way is forward if you don't already know. I'd imagine one dude did it wrong first and now these subsequent video reviewers are using that as a reference. Also 100% possible it's a screw up in the manual like you said
  19. Damn, is there anywhere else I could order that would be quicker? I'd be willing to pay an extra 20 bucks or so on shipping
  20. Weirdly enough it seems to be a different piece of plastic from the actual forearm... I'd think that if it was just static detail it would be a part of the forearm mold
  21. Any clue when BBTS is getting their shipment? And for that matter, other US retailers? Most of them that I've seen say Q2 2024 or June 2024 but June's coming close to ending
  22. So does anybody know exactly when the threezero vf-1j is releasing? With the bandai releases I've always seen a definitive release date somewhere but the threezero just seems to be "Q2 2024" or "June 2024". I've also somehow seen copies on eBay already despite it seemingly still being on preorder everywhere I know of.
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