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Everything posted by nonner242

  1. Just broke my antenna large and a small from the head of my sdf1. Any help on how to remove them safely would be appreciated. I think I might be able to fix but even if I have to get a 3d print or remove from another I would love to know ..any hints. Thank you. Any links to a full breakdown of sdf1 would also be great I have a few I will be eventually working on and possibly modding. I do have some skills and 3d parts on the horizon for a DYRL version ..maybe I'll get some more ideas or thoughts. I've seen some amazing build here already but no info on any breakdowns other than the leg mod for a wide stance that is fully recommended to do. Sucks too. I just was gonna add new stickers to it or missing stickers when it happened. 😂
  2. Looking for any pics..video..tutorial..step by step on a takedown to parts and screws of the matchbox sdf1. I don't think it would be hard to do just don't wanna have springs or peices flying out or possibly having something really bad like plastic cracking from a hidden tab. I'm planning a total wash down and clean up with total hardware replacement of screws and springs of my sdf-1s and going to repair or modify a couple too in the process. A repaint to DYRL is almost on one with the longer cannons and also have some new sticker sheets for 2 of em. Thank you for any help.
  3. Aw I know how to remove antenna from pinhead..lol Great thank u I'll do that..was searching.
  4. any help on how to remove the antennas from the 1/3000..i just broke half of main and rear one moving unit. i want to repair or replace but affraid to ise to much force. any help would be awesome.
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