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Everything posted by nonner242

  1. Damn..I wonder if one of the cheap kits or alpha would match close enough for parts? Got a few picks of it. For parts or ideas to fix. Hopefully it can be saved somehow.
  2. What happened..piece broke..or missing?
  3. One thing I always thought was neat about the original gobots was that they are cyborgs. They originally had a humanoid form and they had to transfer their brains into robots to survive whatever happened on the home world. Also they felt pain thru the robot body. If one was to break a arm or cut it off it was the same as we would feel..altho metal is alot stronger than fleshπŸ˜‚ The brain thing always had me as a kid. Poor guys had so much trauma can u imagine? One last thing that was kinda neat was around 40% of gobot were women. I never really thought about it till years later but damn they just came out the gate with tough women robots..crusher ..snoop..pathfinder...space c...vamp..small foot. and others Pretty cool honestly
  4. Then I have to start this tonight before vacation starts..this pretty boy is getting a full wash down..polish and fighting before stickers will be applied and that will be one down...3 left to modπŸ˜† Well I still have to make..or exchange his antenna with another guys...then done. And very excited to do the sdf1 DYRL version. Of him know..did and paint experiment and I got a awesome look for lights for the true anime effect. It just sucks I can't pick it up on camera for crap. It's too bright or too dark when I mess with it. I person it's stunning. I added the best pic I had when I first started farting around. It's yellow but looks green..but green looks really green ..blue looks neon blue. And when lights are on its barely notice that it's painted..I like it.
  5. All of the unfinished models have found so far..don't like being in attic..my back is killing me from bending over boxes πŸ˜† Getting to old for storage now too. I know I have more fore sure..much older stuff from Japan..orguss drifand revell Robotech defendersπŸ˜‘
  6. Go Bot Go..Apha Leader SDF 1
  7. Only place to buy models for me is wise guys...πŸ‘πŸ»
  8. πŸ˜‚ Right!
  9. I had those go bot kits..I liked cykil alot..I know one sucked and I don't remember putting together alpha or shuttle I think.πŸ€” I wonder if I still have them? Well I did find my old mcp black hole models about 20 years ago and built them up...maybe you'll have competition on your build😁
  10. Flapping in spaceπŸ˜† I love it! Now for the space parachute 🀘🏻
  11. Well now I'm debating if I should even do a standard matchbox color scheme with this one. I already have 2 set aside for DYRL colors grey and navy .ish But know I'm thinking of going a little fun with one. Maybe metallic dark blue and bone white? Or go really dark base and do neons with glow paint and and bright detail marking to give it that lit up in space look? Or stick to my plan of matchbox colts with extended towers and new mold arms...πŸ˜† Love the length and destroids are CUUUUTE.
  12. Sweet! πŸ‘πŸ» I feel old now..
  13. It's inspiring work for sure
  14. Before repaint he looks like homelanderπŸ˜†
  15. Yes that works well..I have been doing that here and there. Also a larger handles long driver works as well..as long as u can get in there..I can't wait to replace and paint screws eventually. Thanks for looking out for me😁🀘🏻
  16. Thank you.. Good to hear 😊 I'm not used to itπŸ˜†
  17. CLEAN!πŸ‘πŸ»
  18. That's awesome! At first I thought it was automan..lol Looks amazing.
  19. To bad I'm the only person working on this assembly line πŸ˜‚
  20. Absolutely 😁
  21. Some of my workshop
  22. No your fine..I like watching stuff like this..I soak it up..will give me ideas. So thank you!
  23. Just pulling out stuff from storage slowly. Finally gonna work on some projects before I get to any old model kits. Some thing haven't seen the light for 20 30 years...others are newer but finally out of box.
  24. I'm very sorry I thought I posted it was the Matchbox or bandai 1/3000 from the 80s. The antenna used to be rubbery but had lost most of that and snapped pretty easily. Sorry for confusion.
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