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Everything posted by nonner242

  1. Well did a rush job with this guy just to get fixed from the great glue explosion. Fixed his chest waist and legs. Repaint him on the front after some sanding to get smooth again. Decals start flaking off everywhere. So thing I removed a bunch of hip and leg decals and painted on. Still have a lot more to do but now he is displayable for now. I'll get to him again when I get my other projects done.😁 I'm kinda digging the new red and yellow on him.
  2. I'm gonna look into getting some real stuff like u mentioned. I ran out and that's just what I had as back up..so not worth the hassel
  3. Oh I did get a very short amount of time the other night to do annoying detail line work on m lover. I'm not looking forward on the shoulders arrow details..so many curves ..so small and 3 different colors with black outline😭 Maybe I'll leave him plain..? Naw Haven't glued anything yet just testing out what he should look like.
  4. You are building from scratch! 👍🏻 I'm waiting to see more. I had a horrible incident with glue last night. I just finished everything on a fixer up dougram round face and my tube of testors glue pour out like a stepped on ketchup packed all over the models front from head to toe. Looks like he was in a porn video. Sad to say all the paint is ruined.. thank God most of decals were missed or not to bad..but he didn't have much on front. Im lucky to say the clear dome for cockpit didn't get hit. But he is gonna need a ton of work and repaint sanding and bondo...I'm afraid to start 😭 And it all happed because a balled joint in should chest area came loose and I was gonna take his toso off and dap some glue into his chest cavity joint to fix it. And he would be done other than some random paint details and some new extra decals. This place is bad luck😂😂
  5. Same I absolutely ruined my original from 80s when I was young..it turned out like crap from glue. Yes a case of 10. Thank you..was a pain to get close but after this I get to have fun..might add some legs too.lol
  6. My magnifier has paint and stuff all over it..and my glasses fall off and end up getting scratched or painted..I go naked😂 Well things are getting a little not the way I wanted do to interruptions family and just bad luck. But I'm pushing thru. Plans never work out as I picture em. Here's the ugly side of build..I think it's the behind the scenes magic ppl never see much of.. I did a layer of Brite yellow for depth but I decided to go with the original look more. So it's push pop orange mostly. I have 10 of these kits so I will do more color or metallic variations down the road. I really want a metallic blue and a invid looking purple and grey. Definitely doing a valk variant...not sure of a Rick or Roy inspired color scheme yet. Just wanted to get a feel for this kit and see where I can make changes or improvements for later...still it's so small😆
  7. Amazing job being your first build. I wish it was as easy for me...😆😭 Looks like you a born modeller!
  8. Started another pain in my but...what my problem😆 I really wanted to try out my first airbrush I had again in 20 years. Been alooooong time. Fun! This seems WAY smaller than 1/42 scale to me tho.🤔 Gonna have to put it next to the LARGE scale Orguss to compare... But man my age is showing while doing this..my eyes..I can't see anymore or hold steady😂
  9. It's ALIVE! Very nice! Looking good. And thank you for stickers👍🏻
  10. Proud parent of not 1 but 2 boxed Nikicks..only after 40 years..lol Thank you glane21 for 1! Once I put together the old 1/40 model kit I'll have 3. Been a great week! And also thanks to major Tom for giving me the push to go for yahoo jap auction for the kit.
  11. Can get sticker paper or waterslide too. Will save a ton of time. But I don't want to go thru the hassle and Photoshop..resizing and vectoring all that crap..which I would prob do. But I liked the challenge lol. I didn't want to spend much time or money. Just a side quest lol. I have so many other projects to do I'll never get to em if I spend too much on little things. I'll never get the SDF1 done if weather keep being crap for painting since I can't inside due to wifes having respiratory issues.
  12. I need a body swap😁 Done for now..maybe airbrush if I ever feel like it.lol Kept the old nasty stickers and tried to use as many as I could. Hard to save most. It's something. Added some green to him for his squad..I'm happy. Really just needs weathering.
  13. Nice work! Saving lives😆
  14. LOL nice looks better to me.. Never noticed they have same lower waist and legs before.
  15. Well disassembled and de stickeres him..washed him and gave his body a matte paint. And did silver on the bottom of foot. Looks abit more premium now..lol. Got some more paint for vent and stuff for another day..try and find some sticker since I don't want to try and paint them on.. He looks much better..and he isn't all screwed back together and still has some parts off..just test fitting and seeing if I need to touch up.
  16. Well while in the process of applying my stickers for the sdf1.. I got side tracked by this guy and a urge to fix it up. I needed a break something simple. I mean he isn't horrible right? These exo squad destroids? It's a decent mold for the fig and size isn't too bad. He just is plastic toy looking. And shiney...not any paint apps. Blahh I think he can use a little help..just a quick fix. And no I didn't put those stickers on..a 5 year old did!
  17. Very nice paint. I only wish I could do work like that not just mechs..lol
  18. I'll keep an eye out for ya Maybe get lucky and I'll have one stacked away.. Altho I'm a fan of 60 and up..lol Was the the sliding shoulder joint? I know exactly how you feel. This summer is killing me..kid off..heat 100 plus and my AC isn't keeping up. Wife bought 2 fans for our bedroom. And it's one of our big anniversary dates this week so I have to go all out right after paying for kids school for the upcoming year. I'm drinking tap water and living off pretzels for a few months .. Well hope you might find a fix..or make it non transformable..I know these kits suck personally. Even not kit ones are not fun..they are loose sloppy messes and things just look bad. But I'm anal for detail too and they just don't do it for me. I always thought they looked like they are made of soap bars..lol Hope you stay cool..I'm sitting at 78 79 with the AC non stop since 5am.. Need to move into basement😁
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