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Everything posted by Cowboy17v2

  1. US hobby stores have started to receive the VF-22s Max/Milia. My local hobbytown just got them in!
  2. Despite 2 decades of building gunpla and macross kits, i rarely painted anything 100% with an airbrush before. just pieces that i thought needed paintwork, which i'd do with rattle cans or airbrush, and then hit everything with a flat coat to even it out. My previous valkyries were all done via rattlecans outside. This is also my first attempt at any sort of camo pattern, and weathering. Definitely a bit rough and I could have toned down the clay wash a bit but overall im pretty happy with how it turned out. Here's a link to a flickr album with a lot of photos of the process. i didn't detail it out but you can get the idea from the pictures themselves I hope!
  3. Difference being is that most of the time you can just get the blurays only without all the extra crap for 50 or thereabouts for a 12 episode season. Not less than half of that for twice the price, only available in a FOMO set. Anime Limited friggin' SUCKS.
  4. 90 dollars for 5 episodes?????? God I hate Anime Limited, do NOT give these FOMO artists your money. Christ.
  5. Because no one cares about CD as a format anymore, that's why. LPs outsell them now!
  6. Guess what guys? They are doing it AGAIN. This time with the Vinyl LPs. https://x.com/AllTheAnime/status/1812192305471750284 Do you want the soundtrack on vinyl? In a 7LP set?? Well then, you'll have to buy the SHARON APPLE EDITION that comes with the 200 dollar bluray set! This damn thing is going to be 400 USD at least. I hate All the Anime so very much.
  7. Nice try wiggling out of that, but you literally just said the 149.99 was NOT inclusive of VAT and that it WAS 220 USD after taxes, and used that as the basis to try and hit me over the head with what I said, which was actually CORRECT. The 99.99 that out-of-UK visitors were seeing (without VAT) doesn't matter, as the 119.99 WITH VAT included price is still 50 bucks or so less than what we are paying here. Keep trying to dig your way out of this, by all means. You were caught basing an argument on misinformation in your effort to score forum points and got called on it. This is getting embarrassing, you should stop.
  8. Accusing me of "performative" anger and basing it on "False" information, and proceed to imply I am at worst lying, or at best ignorant, of how VAT works - and then you cite an example that is COMPLETELY wrong itself. The Price on All the Anime's site IS with VAT included, so its not "228.95" as you say it is. How do I know? That's how. It very clearly says "VAT" is included. So yes, what I said was in fact, completely correct. Before you accuse others of being disingenuous or being PERFORMATIVE with their anger, maybe you should check your own misinformation first. I can't believe this company has so many people willing to white knight it. What have they done to earn this tenacious defense?
  9. the anger is that the msrp is ALREADY high AND like 50 bucks more than what UK customers are paying, and please dont tell me about membership discounts and coupon codes, especially since they won't always be applicable. Also the ova edition will NOT be available later, so buy it now at our absurd high price! No one would be mad if Macross Plus would be available later without all the extras of this LE set, like every other anime that gets an LE. But it WON'T be. This is some predatory bullshit, and I'm shocked that there's this many people leaping to its defense simply because we waited a long time for Macross in the states. Don't reward All the Anime/Anime Limited for this crap. Spend your money with Diskotek and Macross II instead, at least they don't hate fans.
  10. Anime LImited/All the Anime don't deserve your money, honestly.
  11. I am not happy at all about this, having waited around a year since the initial news only to find this extremely expensive and a good 50 dollars more than what the UK is paying for it. I am not buying this at this gouge and those of us who are upset about it should let them know on their socials. It probably won't change anything, but at least let them know that we think they suck.
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