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Papa Rat

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Everything posted by Papa Rat

  1. Great mail day. ♥️
  2. Oh yeah. Love that color palette!
  3. https://nippper.com/2025/01/110119/ ♥️
  4. Hahaha. I can see that. Those horn and skinny legs are a look for sure Once the arms get added along with leg and shoulder/arm armor it will look more balanced.
  5. Made a bunch of progress this weekend on the Volks 1:144 V Siren Prominence. It’s been a quick and fun one. Only issue I am having is the PC for the head doesn’t hold and I think I’m going to have to glue it. It’s as though the sizing is off. Maybe it’s just me. lol Anyway, I just need to do some detail work, masking/painting and decals and then it’s time for the Plamax VF-1J. I finally got one a few weeks ago for a good price and have been looking forward to it! I really need to up my photo game. The lighting is garbage. I swear this isn’t lemon yellow hahaha
  6. Wow. That looks great! Are you printing these yourself?
  7. Exciting! 👍 I’m a month you will be so pumped!
  8. That sounds very cool. Definitely worth exploring. Thanks
  9. Nice. I’ll try both. Thanks.
  10. Wow thanks. Yeah I had a little too much coffee. Is that a thing? Haha Anyway, I’m intrigued by the salt idea. I assume it’s with water based paints? I’ll look it up. Thanks for the insight and encouragement. 👍
  11. Agreed. It’s the best way for me to learn when I just loosen up, go all in on something and don’t take things too seriously. I also like the texture and see myself using that in future builds. Maybe as a spot texture? I am a letterpress printer by trade and many of the presses I use are made of cast iron and have that sort of beautiful texture.
  12. Too funny to not share this. 💩 So here’s my first go at acrylic hand painting, texturing and weathering. I hate it and love it. Hahahaha I learned a lot today and had lots of fun with this little mech. 😂
  13. I want to try that but this first go I’m trying out some Vallejo acrylic paints.
  14. Current project. Is a silly and fun Hasegawa 1/35 MechatroWeGo. This was inexpensive and came with two kits and some extras. I think it’s a great opportunity to try some new things. This build is Inspired by a couple videos I saw from Jon Bius and Lincoln Wright. So far I have done some texturing using Tamiya putty and put down a black surfacer 1500. My goal in the end is some major weathering practice. Ideally I want to give this a Maschinen Krieger look.
  15. Yeah, that’s a great idea. Funny you say that, I just happen to have a kit on its way that can be my fun/easy going experiment kit. That sounds like the perfect opportunity to test out some weathering. I have also been meaning to do some brush painting with acrylics. I’ve been so focused on spraying lacquers. Time to expand my tool kit. 🤔
  16. Awesome suggestion. Appreciate it.
  17. Almost done with this little buddy. needs some dialing in. I want to try out weathering but I’m scared.
  18. @arbitoutstanding!
  19. Prime time over here too. Had a litttle help as usual.
  20. Hahahaha. True true
  21. Totally. That’s why the text should be upside down when held but instead the images show it right side up. Lol
  22. Nice crew right there. Love the Gerwalks!
  23. Yeah and the built sample on the box reflect the decals that way too. Lol
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