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Papa Rat

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About Papa Rat

  • Birthday 06/20/1976

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    Portland OR

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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. That sounds very cool. Definitely worth exploring. Thanks
  2. Nice. I’ll try both. Thanks.
  3. Wow thanks. Yeah I had a little too much coffee. Is that a thing? Haha Anyway, I’m intrigued by the salt idea. I assume it’s with water based paints? I’ll look it up. Thanks for the insight and encouragement. 👍
  4. Agreed. It’s the best way for me to learn when I just loosen up, go all in on something and don’t take things too seriously. I also like the texture and see myself using that in future builds. Maybe as a spot texture? I am a letterpress printer by trade and many of the presses I use are made of cast iron and have that sort of beautiful texture.
  5. Too funny to not share this. 💩 So here’s my first go at acrylic hand painting, texturing and weathering. I hate it and love it. Hahahaha I learned a lot today and had lots of fun with this little mech. 😂
  6. I want to try that but this first go I’m trying out some Vallejo acrylic paints.
  7. Current project. Is a silly and fun Hasegawa 1/35 MechatroWeGo. This was inexpensive and came with two kits and some extras. I think it’s a great opportunity to try some new things. This build is Inspired by a couple videos I saw from Jon Bius and Lincoln Wright. So far I have done some texturing using Tamiya putty and put down a black surfacer 1500. My goal in the end is some major weathering practice. Ideally I want to give this a Maschinen Krieger look.
  8. Yeah, that’s a great idea. Funny you say that, I just happen to have a kit on its way that can be my fun/easy going experiment kit. That sounds like the perfect opportunity to test out some weathering. I have also been meaning to do some brush painting with acrylics. I’ve been so focused on spraying lacquers. Time to expand my tool kit. 🤔
  9. Awesome suggestion. Appreciate it.
  10. Almost done with this little buddy. needs some dialing in. I want to try out weathering but I’m scared.
  11. @arbitoutstanding!
  12. Prime time over here too. Had a litttle help as usual.
  13. Hahahaha. True true
  14. Totally. That’s why the text should be upside down when held but instead the images show it right side up. Lol
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