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About themarvelknight

  • Birthday 03/24/1983

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    Tampa, FL
  • Interests
    Macross, Transformers, Marvel Comics, Star Wars

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Kind of disappointed with the poster. I was really hoping that it was the slipcover art in one solid image.
  2. As long as there can be an airing of grievances like Festivus I vote yes.
  3. Pretty sure DYRL and SDF Macross are exclusive to Japan still for everything thanks to HG.
  4. We might all as well circle 12/31 on the calendar at this point.
  5. I don’t think it would be too difficult to give their future releases the appropriate missile load out, especially for TV releases. I can understand separate missiles for DYRL releases but for TV, it doesn’t make any sense at all to me. I could be wrong but I think every other manufacturer included missiles. Even if they bumped up the price a bit to include them, I think most collectors would still buy the release.
  6. It is very frustrating that Bandai seems to be taking their sweet time. The most frustrating thing is that it wouldn’t take much to repaint a DYRL Kakizaki 1A into Max and Hikaru and a TV Max into Kakizaki and the cannon fodder. I broke down and commissioned someone to repaint a DYRL Hikaru 1S into Max 1S. I can’t stand waiting especially when I have holes on my shelf reserved.
  7. Anyone hear any rumors on who the next WWM release might be? I ask because I have had my eye on getting Arad for some time and I am noticing prices start to fall from various sellers for him. I didn’t want to buy him now if he’s getting a new release with armored parts like Ozma is. I lost my shirt on paying the late tax for him and I only had to wait a bit longer.
  8. Yea I remember! I would get $1 a week allowance for chores and after 2 weeks go to Service Merchandise (anyone remember them?) and get a new figure.
  9. Having 3 shield wielders is a bizarre choice. Plenty of other characters they could have gotten or just not have used one of them. I am interested to see if Bob in the trailer is the Sentry for sure or not and how that would play out.
  10. Glad to see the O-rings are back. My son loves GI Joes and it was hard to find reasonably priced o-ring figures for him.
  11. I really liked this movie. My son who is 8, absolutely loved it. I think that’s what it’s all about with movies like this. Appealing to the young generation to keep this property alive and strong for years to come so we can continue to buy new stuff for us old guys
  12. I just finished watching Seed on Netflix recently and only noticed the weird dub issues where certain characters were not audible and instead have subtitles on like 3 episodes max. I think it was 6,7, and maybe 8. I recall 7 being almost unwatchable. Destiny and Freedom didn’t have any issues with like that.
  13. Yes. It’s awesome as are all their products I’ve purchased so far which are mostly Transformers. You get a lot of value from their products I think.
  14. I know this is a Blu-ray release, but has any heard of there being a 4k or is that even possible or worth doing? I was considering getting this but would wait for a 4k if that might be coming.
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