No I'm still not that comfortable with MAX style painting...
here's Gundam ver Ka I did in Sentinel colour scheme n MAX style...
I personally think there's still too much of red bits but I'm generally happy with the result...(will need to experiment with the pressure next time I have some spare time). You can see Guntank with one side of caterpillar broken waiting for repair job...
For Guntank it's pretty much full scratch build though the torso is based on MG GunCannon partially - i.e. shoulder, upper arm and waste inc. core block system. The lower part is basically a simple box w/ junk Tamiya military tank parts though the caterpillar I used was very fragile and it's pron to dislodge every time I handle the kit... I need to do something about that... anyway it's been quite some time I built this one so my memory is bit hazy...
here's the another shot of Guntank...