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Everything posted by dj898

  1. sorry to interrupt but what's the appeal of gold plating! personally I think it makes the kit more like play toy than scaled model.. also imho the gold plating in general should be more subdue not like cheap nasty flash look... O_O
  2. or ditch and make full scratch bit / clear green and put sone small aluminium pipe behind to imitate the lens...
  3. sorry Macross never hold my interest as I wasn't into airplane but its mecha designs were not my liking... he he and thanks for the warm welcome!
  4. here are more up close detail shots of Gundam ver Ka... (warning the pictures are huge so if you are on 56k do not click on image)
  5. No I'm still not that comfortable with MAX style painting... here's Gundam ver Ka I did in Sentinel colour scheme n MAX style... I personally think there's still too much of red bits but I'm generally happy with the result...(will need to experiment with the pressure next time I have some spare time). You can see Guntank with one side of caterpillar broken waiting for repair job... http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/599/p10506577he.jpg For Guntank it's pretty much full scratch build though the torso is based on MG GunCannon partially - i.e. shoulder, upper arm and waste inc. core block system. The lower part is basically a simple box w/ junk Tamiya military tank parts though the caterpillar I used was very fragile and it's pron to dislodge every time I handle the kit... I need to do something about that... anyway it's been quite some time I built this one so my memory is bit hazy... here's the another shot of Guntank... http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/6821/p10506921rt.jpg
  6. interesting forum... I've read and it seems many of you are into gunpla building... I used to be into kit building but after moving out and got the job other things took the priority and it was long time before I have some stability in my life to get back to this hobby... well without much ado I'd like to start my very first posting with some of my Gundam kits... some old and some new... This PG RX-78 took me about 5 week with working 1-2 hours every night except weekends from memory... It was long time ago... http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/926/p10507172od.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/2045/p10507161jz.jpg If I ever going to build another PG I will do the complete skeleton weathering plus more subtle MAX style shading... Mk-II ver 2.0 below took me two solid days after I got hold of the kit mate of mine attempted to build but due to lack of time passed on to me... (Can't recall how long I spent on the full scratch 1/100 Guntank though) http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/8301/p10506951hd.jpg (that's the 1/100 full scratch built Guntank in front by the way) hope you enjoy...
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