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Everything posted by dj898
there used to be Gundam Battle Tactics for PC for few years now. Is this PSP version updated version? O_O
just done with initial painting of RX-78-0... bit of bugger to paint as I almost spilt the bottle over the model... heh stripping and minor deatil painting followed by weathering and chipping...
[another small update] just finished painting zaku II... here's a shot w/o flash... http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/5296/p10508432lv.jpg and here's the one with auto flash+auto white balance ??? http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/7858/p10508479bb.jpg weathering and chipping to come later... p.s. second picture will show what can go wrong with digicam without the custom setting. It was at mid night last night and I wasn't in the mood to setup the custom setting again for another shot...
[ok time for yet another small progress update] I wasn't happy with the diorama base - it was too blend and had no characteristics of Gundam universe... So after bit of researching - i.e. watching few OVA DVD - I came up with another layout idea. here's rough drawing of the new base - sorry for messy drawing. I was in hurry and here's the initial arrangement before I glue things down.
had quick session of prime the armours and quick reassembly of zaku after primer... time to pull out air brush tomorrow provided the weather is fine. and I switched the base to bigger one - thanks IKEA - to give more room for the railway track behind the bridge...
test fitting for the base and initial arrangement... may change agian before I will get down into small details...
latest update for diorama with some background models in 70% complere status...
i read about it recently... so it's on the auction huh? yea I'm wondering the seller can ship overseas too...
quick update. here's the inner frame for RX-78 ver 1.5 it's metallic grey on gun metal which is on the flat black with mix of silver base... and top'd with copper+fluorescent red/pink mix dry brushing... it's lot darker but the camera flash make them washed out though
believe I saw someone mentioned about these on automobile modelling forum somewhere but while I was at the local fabric/craft sho with missus I came across these... now if I don't mistaken these look like excellent substitute for braided line for 1/100 scale Gundam kits... also bought some metallic bead for experimenting... http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/9611/p10507971ym.jpg these were fairly cheap and if you buy 'em in bulk you even get the discount...
I use dry brushing so you don't get the joints to gum up... ue multiple layer to get the desired colour - I did for the moving piston section as well and they are ok though I will need to add bit more of chrome silver on top of metallic grey... :x
quick test fit of Gundam and pose variation for Zaku... [EDIT] while waiting for epxy putty to be cured I've been experimenting with alternative arrangement... what do yo think? O_O
the face really looks like that... you could after giving the coat apply athin'd down black and use cotton bud to wipe out in streak giving the weathered look - it's bit hard to explain but you know those on military tank with those streak marks and weathering as if it's been out & thru numerous rain and what not... ?
hmm... not bad you could give it the washed out weathering... atm it looks like someone put some dirty hand on the kit leaving those marks... and to be critical the damage mod is bit off imho... (You can tell from my in-progress diorama heh) You may want to reconstruct the left shoulder module from scratch if you are up for it... (or nick the shoulder parts from OYW version Gundam - I wish I based my Gundam on OYW Gundam as it would've saved me some work...) however not a bad job!!!
I will probably colour Gundam in different colour and marking as RX-78-1 or something in case anyone got the wrong idea... this Gundam is rebuilt prototype that was destroyed at Zaku's raid at the Side 7 and sent to earth for evaluation - and as the fate has it the poor pilot bumped into one of seasoned Zion's Zaku ace pilot... still the superiority of the MS itself allowed the EFF pilot to overcome the cunning Zaku pilot sustaining severe damage - he/she will surely get his/her ass fired for this.. he he
some minor update on Gundam - I cut off waste for better pose and in the process of more substantioanl damage on its right chest armour panel...
some more detailed damage area - and while I was at it put the metal pipe into the backpack thrusters as well as at the foot... Does it look convincing? http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/1973/p10507666jy.jpg http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/5308/p10507680fy.jpg http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/3860/p10507710co.jpg http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/1996/p10507727vm.jpg http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/9453/p10507732xu.jpg appreciate any input... [EDIT] minor update on the dagame area and I cut out Zaku's side skirt for better movement plus am still debating whether I should cut off Gundam's waste parts into two pieces... http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/7431/p10507759tx.jpg http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/2889/p10507748ep.jpg Gundam's shoulder damage is now more in line with the techincal drawing... think of the outer skin of shoulder socket module blown away with the inner pipes exposed... they are basically four rods connected to make square box shape module... [EDIT] still working on the endo/exoskeleton parts on both Gundam and Zaku... I'm thinking Im spending way more time on damage area but then it'll be the feature of the diorama so there... :x http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/2429/p10507775sz.jpg http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/9876/p10507766kn.jpg http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/7596/p10507782oa.jpg http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/5876/p10507793dy.jpg I welcome any constructive suggestion/comment...
i don't smoke and only thing I have is lighter oil for weathering... PG are the ones I used for shading long time ago... if you like check out the original posting here. I may build another PG Gundam with fully coloured internal skeleton with MAX style armours... (when I get my air brushing setup shipped from old man's place...) at that time I didn't know about MAX style so it was applying shadow over the painted armour... MK-II was the first one I tried resulting very heavy shadow while Zaku is the 3rd one... basically once painted you just apply very lighht amount of darker shade over the panel line and other area that you want to give the shadow... (you will need very steady hand and experiment with the pressure to ge the right amount... think I will need to practice again since it's been few years since last time I used the air brushing.)
i wish... I just use little cutter knife - you know the type you can break off bits for new sharp edge... it's too small to use heated up I'm afraid... And hacing extra holiday with x-mas fell on Sunday no one opened today so I couldn't get anything since Sunday... I may use soldering iron to melt the edge of the cut off line to imitate the beam saber cut... for the damage inner frame I will probably ended up making separate unit to glue into - those are just for guide only...
well I could if I have my tools with me but I'm building with just knife and nipper and small piece of sand paper... the damage is more by the exploding shell rather than beam saber... Gundam is on top of it to finish off as it's about to pull out the beam saber... damage mod is still early in-progress... just spent few minutes to do zaku's left leg frame bit... by the time I finalise the pose and position then I can spend more time to build the inner frame/skeleton based on drawings... http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/4861/p10507619dn.jpg http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/6522/p10507591cv.jpg [EDIT] How about this then? what I could do with knife and few spare runner in few minutes... http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/2101/p10507623hq.jpg
some more arrangment and test fit on the base... maybe I need bigger base...? http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/319/p10507569ev.jpg http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/5691/p10507551xm.jpg http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/4599/p10507546fm.jpg [EDIT] another round of changes... http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/6500/p10507588yh.jpg http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/6128/p10507570qg.jpg
wait a minute, where is that Zaku reaching for? With all this, The Zaku makes his last desperate attempt at fliping some skirt Keep up the good work, love your action poses 355053[/snapback] yep last attempt to get Gundam off by squeezing its ball - that is if it has one or two...
how about this one? after all I'm still trying get the best pose before I fix it... http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/5477/p10507525cn.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/6246/p10507511gj.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/1108/p10507501gh.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/9135/p10507484iy.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/5139/p10507497un.jpg
well here are some in-prog shots... think this looks the most dramatic... http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/527/p10507428ab.jpg I got the idea while browsing some site and one of them had the series of composite diorama and one of them was Goof holding down GM by its head with the sword high on air just about to struck with it... well after sveral test think this is the best position... RX-78-2 is holding Zaku down by knee and raising beam saber to struck its head... after fearce battle where both sides received a lot of damages - Gundam is missing right arm and much of armour on its legs while Zaku lost its right leg and much of armour on the left leg plus its right arm has been but off... started on x-mas eve (yea missus and kid are away for holiday with me being home keeper... ) but after done some pre-assembly haven't had time to do anything further atm... still a lot to cover - further mod on models and redoning the base (wasn't happy with dinky base I made on CD jewel case) and etc. and that's before even starting seam line fixing and painting... :cry: [EDIT] http://img506.imageshack.us/img506/7292/p10507446st.jpg still haven't decided how far the Zaku's left leg should be - cut off at the knee or bit longer...? Also its left arm - cut off at the elbow...? [EDIT]another variation of pose... what do you think? http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/3629/p10507467hd.jpg http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/8506/p10507477oj.jpg
no you should be alright. take your time and read the instruction carefully to get the idea what's the best way in terms of painting - and sading if you like to get rid of all the seam lines... - before completing each block... I overdid mine and I will probably do another PG RX-78-2 in TV anime look in near future when I get another PG Gundam kit for cheap... (fingers crossed)