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Everything posted by dj898

  1. zeta kai tbh does look more like FSS influenced than anything else with the mega launcher... guess all it needs to complete the picture would be the jumbo size shield... from memory the guy who did Zeta design was the same person who did FSS mecha design or was I got completely wrong?
  2. after weekend battle between RX-78-2 and Zaku II I present you the winner! ;D
  3. hell yea! but I'm not gonna do anothr OYW in MAX style for some time...
  4. the problem with OYW version is there are way too many panel lines and doing MAX style shading isn't easy... resulting not covering enough space with spot white highlight hence darker over all tone... it's easier on ver. 1.5 or ver. Ka since those don't have so much panel lines...
  5. and here is comparison shots of two One Year War version - one finished in clean and another in MAX style shading. two OYW looking at them side by side this does look like good comparison between MAX style shading and clean non shading finish... the clean one's I modified and painted for a mate of mine who wants his MS clean and shiny like just rolled off the production line. For me I like mine heavy in shadow as it gives the model depth and more 3D - not too mention it looks like it's been out on field for some time when I add the weathering...
  6. and here's my take on One Year War version. heavy on shading as usual the straight built out of box. pic 1 pic 2
  7. ... after done few PG RX-78 kits always feel sorry for this little guy... so took few moment to paint it - hardest part being painting Amuro figure. had to use those magnifying glass thingy while painting and bit of help from mates... pic 1 pic 2 pic 3 sorry for the seams and all as it wasn't properly finished - I just grab one I snap together and put painting without primer...
  8. quick fitting test... http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/5770/p10600322ca.jpg *notice anything different
  9. Here's the parts of Zeta Plus C1 after I've done quick air brushing and top coat. this kit was built when I had most of my tools stored away and couln't be bothered to buy another set of tools and what not so you can see I haven't fixed any seam lines... which I dislike a lot... O_x I ran out of flat top coat so used glossy top coat that I have a spare - too shiny for my taste but don't want to do another top coat when I get the matt finish though... more than likely I will assemble it and put it aside... if I'm going to build another one or Zeta Plus A1 I will be doing some modification and probably make it into fixed MS with VmSWr eliminated for better posability http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/5505/p10600353rn.jpg
  10. I was out of my usual metal colour and all I had were gold/titanium gold so I thought why not... besides it was meant for a mate of mine who like his car decorated shiny gold plated pieces... Thought it perfectly shuited him... till his son dropped it...
  11. here's the MG Sazabi I built as a favour but his son dropped it breaking the pins and head piece... so it's back for some TLC... T T
  12. I'm afraid not much you can do about that... just hope the sticker is thinner not like those bl**dy thick one in PG kits...
  13. The basic build was done by my friend who built that Zaku II F2 Custom but I modified it fair a bit though. As you can see he's more into clean finish whereas I do fair bit of shading. Still must say it looks good with extended legs, arms and I put magnet to attach the shield - so it won't scratch the paint plus decaling... :confused7vi: I will see whether he saved the WIP pictures... ok. 'nuff talk from me. here are what you all wanted, pictures. The last picture is taken with my Gundam Kai to show its height which is taller than stanard MG Gundam...:shy0hz: pic1 pic2 pic3 pic4 and here's service shot! :winks2ft: action pose He freaked out when he found out this photo... :em01: But since he asked me to make the base well I need to test its mobility to come up with some idea... :redface7be:
  14. that Zaku II F2 is basically straight built out of the box except 2nd spike shoulder armour from my junk box instead of standard shoulder shield...
  15. Anyone know where I can find the track piece similar to those on Guntank but in metal? I could repair those by drilling holes on each and every one and connecting using thin brass pin but I rather use something more durable and won't break again... I got those from a shop long time ago and can't remember who was the manufacturer - I know HJ online shop used to carry something similar...
  16. well it's been a while so I might as well post some of my kits - old and new... heh (yep shameless self advertising at the finest) PG Zaku PG Gundam in action pose! PG Mk-II MG Gundam Kai Space Type pic1 MG Gundam Kai Space Type pic2 MG Gundam Kai Space Type pic3 MG Gundam Kai Space Type pic4 MG Zaku II F2 Custom pic1 MG Zaku II F2 Custom pic2 MG Zaku II F2 Custom pic3 MG Zaku II F2 Custom pic4 1/100 fullscratch Guntank and what will happen when you have kits standing on the exposed shelf... After falling accident thanks(?) to my kid
  17. PG Zeta is unlike MG Zeta ver 1.0 once transformed ino wave rider form there's nothing floppy about... MG Zeta ver 2.0 burrowed many ideas from PG Zeta in fact... Also PG Zeta has the LED beam saber as part of kit! though PG Zeta is slightly different profile than Zeta ver 2.0 as Zeta ver 2.0 is based on HGUC Zeta, not MG Zeta ver 1.0 while PG Zeta is similar to MG Zeta ver 1.0...
  18. I present you 1/24 scale RX-78-2... ok... it's missing few pieces and that's coz right after this photo it's packed and put into the storage room... missus won't have any other way It's fully articulated Gundam model at 79 cm tall and unlike smaller Jumbo Grade this one can move pretty anything that can move inc. limbs/fingers/etc. I've been searching for one eons and when I was asked to buy it for such a low price I couldn't refuse - even though I know I will be copping heaps from missus... p.s. in case you are wondering that's my kid standing next to it and she's about 86 cm tall... if you are wondering what the heck is HY2M try google it... it's one of Bandai's giant toy/model lineups.. the biggest being 1/12 scale Zaku II
  19. i don't like glossy finish on Gundam model unless it's exposed polished metal frame... also when I paint I tried to make it more realistic - i.e. been into the battle and etc. This one he didn't want any weathering so we didn't but depends on the type of base we come up with I may need touch up little bit with wetahering and etc.
  20. and here's the what we were working together - he built the kit and I painted it... http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/5571/p10508646gd.jpg
  21. was at the mate's place to finish off a joint project and while was there took the snap of his previous work... he said it's Zeta Gundam Ver Ka of sort... tongue.gif (kind of remind me that the Zeta Plus C project in another thread...) http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/4790/p10508596pa.jpg
  22. there's no instruction. O_O And it comes in handful parts - I said resin but it looks more like hard plastic than resin... anyway I will see what I can do with pictures...
  23. has anyone built 1/100 scale flying armour resin kit w/ LED from HK seller? I got hold of one recently and was quite impressive with the details - though won't have time to build it right away. sad.gif In the mean time is there anything I should be aware of - any pitfall or tricky bits? TIA
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