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Everything posted by Cyclone

  1. Since we're talking Kin, probably a computer RPG. Cyc (who still gets emails about his RPG write-ups... asking him when he's going to do Macross and the rest of Robotech. MOSPEADA PUNCH!)
  2. A role in this movie could be just the thing to break his Star Trek: Voyager typecasting for Robert Duncan McNeil Cyc (who now thanks to this thread and whole John Woo thing is now remembering far, far, far, far, far too much about that movie)
  3. Read them, hate them for a number of reasons such as the add-ons (Thinking Caps, Five Year Folds, Shapings, Mystic Protoculture) but mostly because there a number of instances we you can see that both authors when writing "Alpha Fighter" and "Beta Fighter" really meant "VF-1", many of the descriptions and abillities point to it, none more so than the nose detaching scene from "World Killers". Seriously, how stupid would a Alpha look with a Beta nose section attached to it's arm, let alone how such a combination would stand, let alone walk... Cyc
  4. Come on, someone must want to buy the complete DVD boxset... Toei Video page on the complete series DVD boxset
  5. Well Bendis cares, and he's just engaging in the thing all comic fans dream of if they were writing professionally, writing stories using the characters they love. Heck, he previously tried and failed to get a gritty detective in the MU underbelly Jessica Drew series up, eventually writing some other title about a washed up superheroine who became a private detective serving the underbelly of the MU instead I'm personally aboard for all the wrong reasons, because he's using Jessica Drew, just like I stayed aboard because Austen retained She-Hulk
  6. If Weird is the new cool. This and Veritech Ace is why I love Flash, dinky file size for quality of games.
  7. The Imai kit weakpoint strikes again...
  8. Given the choice between the Gakken's far, far too short toes and the Toynami approach, I'll take Toynami thank you very much. The lack of compression of lower legs, impossible to the degress of series I admit but still viable IMO at least a little, is the main problem with the overhang.
  9. YOU TAKE THAT BACK! HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME LIKE THAT?!?!?!? Man, it's been awhile since I've run into the classic "Everybody who speaks English on the net is automatically American" cliche Cyc (*waves Aussie flag*)
  10. *smiles* It would explain why 98% of my time on MW.com is spent it the Other Anime or Sci-Fi forum Cyc
  11. That's why fans wrote to Tatsunoko and demanded a sequel.... and the OVA Mospeada: Love Live Alive might be vague but at the very least we see that they do get back together.
  12. Mospeada characters (Stick and Rey) also have similar belt issues with their normal clothes. I guess it's a very period thing that most people don't like and avoid replicating. On a figure scale that's probably understandable, too fiddly. Cyc
  13. Like the MPC VF-1's and old reboxed by Matchbox Gakken Alpha's, they'll have the same stickers as the Mospeada versions (based off the Imai decal sheet IIRC). Might not be so Robotech (Mars Base instead of REF) but it's all part of Toynami's claim to produce toys that are as they are seen on screen, which means Mars Base M's instead of REF. And yes I'm sure some will point out that Alpha/Legioss on screen didn't have even a 1/4 of the stickers/decals of the toys and models Cyc
  14. So... they've just put all six discs of the original R2 together in a box? Ah well, I wouldn't/couldn't have waited anyway
  15. They knew enough to develop stealth systems (which admittedly makes sense no matter what foe) and the syncro-cannons (both portable and large), so some got back thanks to those non-fighting video camera babes And from loss of the First Recapture Wave they tried to fix the Legioss's faults in re-entry via the creation of the Tread. Cyc
  16. Rather involved looking, but can I ignore doing it Cyc
  17. Possible theories of why claws is to conduct energy from the mecha to the gunpod ala the energy plugs of Gundams. IMO just to give them a darker almost evil look is probably closer. I was hoping the silhouette shown at the con wasn't the real deal, but it looks like Toynami will follow the same idea as the Superposable Shadow Fighter, aka mold new torso, different intake vents, and provide claws... but will use the stock Alpha shoulders instead of the real deal. Close... but no quite yet again. Cyc
  18. Unlikely, because that would take more body work than a Shadow Fighter, where the YF-1R used the existing body/molds and just needed a new head. Cyc
  19. If anything, technically Sue gives them the ability to do another female Bartley type Cyclone toy and double up in a similar method to Scott/Rand, same body but different paint scheme and weaponry. Not mention it's color scheme means many will think it's a Shadow Cyclone already. And a third Bartley type user available for toys if Tasha from the upcoming game is a fairly major character to boot. Cyc
  20. That'd still be canon though, not an unofficial variant But given the fact Robotech: Invasion is going to play up ground based combat, Cyclone style Superposables/I-men/MPCs for the main character are more likely than a Alpha. Cyc
  21. Unlikely (Jack Archer might not be Macross canon, but is RT canon). I'm wondering about "double-dipping" personally, because if some of the early Shadow Force images still apply, then all Toynami have to do is take their upcoming Shadow Fighter, make new wings with missile pods imbedded, and bingo bango another 80 bucks for an official Shadow Force design... But on the other hand that may get a MPC Beta made, as they just need to switch out the sensor boom for a synchro cannon of a New Gen Beta to make it a Shadow Force version, meaning that Toynami would get more use out of any Beta molds. Cyc
  22. Generally don't, but if it's something really good, one to play one to look at. Sometimes I double up for other reasons, such as the fact I've bought multiples of Toynami's green grunt Alphas toys because it allows me to replicate squadrons (3 green/grunts to one blue/officer) Cyc
  23. Simple test, Slade US, Blade and lots of bladed weapon names unchanged International dub (what we got in Australia). And how we whined when it was repeated multiple times in a year.... and yet now it's one of the most demanded anime series for local company Madman to release...
  24. Toynami don't want to release two kinds of RT MPCs at the same time, so a year for the Alphas, and year for the Cyclones... ends up being two years...
  25. It's commonly refered to as the sensor pod, and yes if you wanted to to you could leave it off. It attaches to the flat swing plate that cover back gap in fighter. In Robotech terms that's was the major visual difference between low tech Sentinels Alphas and higher tech New Gen ones, the inclusion of the sensor pod. Some people think it clutters up the Alpha, others don't. It does make me wounder how tight the canopy is in the battloid gap if even if the sensor pod which does appear to have the folding boom/antenna that it needs to be removeable. Cyc
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