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Everything posted by Cyclone

  1. RT.com doesn't get the first ones off boat or anything, Twin Moons and Valk Exchange for example often get into Toynami to pick up their stock sooner than RT.com. Cyc
  2. No, it's actually a completely different song. Cyc
  3. It's on the way back, chat is up and at least a partial index online. Cyc
  4. But he doesn't have all the things he did for the RT.com version on his site, just SDF-1 and 3, Zentreadei and Marduk ships. Cyc
  5. Even though Animego got the rights to release that from Harmony Gold?
  6. The reason why RT only is because ADV were aiming them at non-anime fans so their primarily dub only due to the disc space issue, thus Macross wasn't an option... not to mention that whole not licensed by ADV thing... I can't recall any series that was full released in this format, so I doubt all 85 eps would make, especially consider that any ADV mini-DVD haven't been done in a while IIRC. Cyc
  7. Notice in the article how they keep mentioning primarily that the server will go down, not the domain...
  8. Nah. How about a mandatory Jimmy Smits cameo so he gets blown up again? I smile when ever I watch that, considering he was Tubbs until the producers wanted a different look for the show But no, he's already in Episode III, can't have him in too many movies otherwise he'll have to give up his washed up actor status...
  9. Looks much nicer large. Cyc
  10. Um... considering where we are the moment, that comes as a shock does it But at this stage of production all we have to go on is pictures, and they alone seem to be bucking what many view as part of the TV shows charm, the 80's style. Heck, when show itself changed it's look towards the end it practically doomed itself. Cyc
  11. I re-watched other 80 shows I saw as a kid, A-Team and Knight Rider for example, and none have seemed to have aged as well as Miami Vice. Still, I can't help but giggle when they don't think of checking them new fangled video secruity cameras until the last minutes of the episode to close case, opposed to modern cop shows where it's the first thing they do Cyc
  12. Cheapest EB Aus can do is 25% off the discounted $14Aus for the Mospeada versions. Pity that now that other Australian retailers are carrying Toynami product apparently from Toynami's Aus distribution trail, they're no cheaper than EB.... until they sit long enough and get desperate to dump it (DYRL Valks 50% Aus RRP)... excluding the stuff they do order is limited number like the MPC Alphas Cyc
  13. As I mentioned in the main MPC thread, no word as yet, but given that the Mospeada Superposables came out 4-5 months after the Robotech: New Generation versions, personally I'd assume a similar time frame after Sue's Shadow Fighter is released in North America before Stick's Legioss-H appears in Oceania/South East Asia Cyc
  14. Until stress of use causes them to snap/break in the middle of the "M" so they have no tension and utterly worthless for holding the disc in... Cyc
  15. Well for starters, which one? Transformable or Armor mode only kit? That said both types are very 80's kits, reasonable but limited poseability and molded in only a few colors. Snap together no painting requires these ain't... Cyc
  16. *low whistle of awe*
  17. Syncro Cannon! Which raises the point of the lack of noise on the Mospeada versions. IIRC there was a 3-4 month gap between New Gen and Mospeada Superposables, hopefully we won't have to wait half a year or so until after Sue until we see Stick Cyc (who readily admits he isn't fit to judge considering he'd buy rancid dogfood if it was in a can with a Mospeada label...)
  18. Could have been spring-loaded from below, depressing when the cockpit is swung back, but then we're talking more body modfication that head change/paintjob would allow
  19. Based on the Superposable, destablizer will be okay, but it appears that Toynami are opting for head change/repaint Shadow, so no major body changes. Mostly with that I'm annoyed by retaining the sensor "flap" Cyc
  20. Give and take. Toynami have addressed the (IMO) common failure points of the Imai kit, the hips most notably, but people are reporting joints which I've never seen fail on the Imai breaking (elbow, upper arm). I think it's in part due the fact the Imai is lighter and an actual model so people treat it kinder, joint failure comes from transforming at lot, where the MPCs are sturdier/tighter and heavier, so there is a very, very fine line between using enough force to transform/pull out limbs and breaking them. Both share the common truth of lasting longer if you don't actually transform them I guess. Cyc
  21. Nope. They can just get away with the stock Alpha body with a few changes and call it a Shadow Fighter, but not the Drone.
  22. Ex Astris Scientia uniform page
  23. I know this, considering that response was in reaction to me asking about that point Actually they said it might be a combination, but I'm guessing that primarily they'll rely upon HG to do most of the grunt work artwise, which means it's the trading card set all over again Cyc
  24. Despite my hatred of all things CCG, as long as it has new New Gen art, which is of course just a hop and skip to being Mospeada art, I'm on board. But based on the previous trading cards combination of existing art (screen caps and Tommy Yune images)... Cyc
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