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Everything posted by Cyclone

  1. Hang on, why do they want to sue me? I never did any harm to them, well not much anyway. Graham 364243[/snapback] Note to self: Decline any offers to be in videos Graham films, as it will probably just so he can get good shots of Invid killing me.
  2. I ended up doing the same, download speed from site sucked, switched to a torrent and got it. The ground combat is fairly mundane for a RTS, defender can build forces, attack can call them down from control points (you/rebels in the demo) but space combat is what really appeals to me, the ability to target components in real time and the fact it looks/feels like Star Wars combat. Cinematic view is rather worthless though, one minute your watching your X-wings and frigates in combat, the next the view swings right past them to stare at some asteroids for twice as long as it looks at anything else. sigh.
  3. Showing the Beta/Tread as early as they did was a double-edged sword, it built hype but because what they showed was a effectly more a statue than even a prototype of the toy it probably built hype too early before they even had a semi-transformable prototype which has lead to the long delays
  4. I'll be pissed if after WEP told Madman they couldn't do extras for the Australian releases of Lion and Vehicle Voltron if they'll extra-up the US DVD releases.
  5. Kevin Long made the mistake many RT comic artists do, using the toys as the basis for their drawings. In Long's case he used the large Gakken Legioss/Alpha toys... which lead to his Alphas sporting stuby Gakken toe and the Gakken toy style gunpods, sensor pod and AFC-01I green head.
  6. Easily more weird, and much more amusing than FCLC. Short episode that really go rapid fire at whatever they target
  7. Vehicle Voltron Superior. Lion Voltron Inferior. *hugs his Vehicle Voltron DVDs sets*
  8. Oh dear. I throught I purged it from my memory, but the above caused it to spill forth like the foul bile that it is, that the Haydonites and their planet Haydon IV basically ended up being Transformers Lite in The End of the Circle, with the Haydonites being the little workers to do Haydon's will, and their planet actually turning into Haydon ala Unicron/Primus...
  9. Perhaps, but the Thunderbirds are a 500% more animated than Oh! Mikey. It's just static, constantly reposedly admittedly, mannequins If you don't mind Something Awful, they took a nice look at the Japanese DVDs. http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=1903 http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=1916 http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=3262 http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=3281
  10. And considering Toynami have the Japanese Mospeada toy rights too... we won't any time soon.
  11. At least they're being upfront about it... http://u.tv/newsroom/indepth.asp?id=9486&pt=e There is going to a remake of the The Prisoner (Patrick McGohan, Number Six, The Village, Rover, Be Seeing You one) that the producers admit that apart from having the name will have very little to do with the original concept at all...
  12. Teknoman was/is fairly big in Australia where we got the international dub (most of the blade flavored names intact) and local anime companies bugged about it constantly, thought with a decade gap that may be rose color glasses to explain that. Unfortunately as a Saban show, the rights to it are now owned by Disney/Buena Vista Home Entertainment so the odds a legit US release are lower than a legit US release of Macross 7... The model kits from Bandai for the show were very good, HG quality IMO. I love the Sol-Tekkaman aka Techno-Suit from the show, one of my fav plastic kits.
  13. Very quick version: Sandman is a guy than can turn into sand, or more specifically anything you can make with sand so in practice he's basically an evil Mr Fanastic in ability. Classic Spidey villain, basically got his powers when he absorbed the form of the sand under his feet during a nuclear bomb test.
  14. The solicit for final issue claims Janurary for the movie, but that's a comic solicit published in advance and it's worth pointing out that Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles was originally intended to be released basically one issue a week or so in November to lead directly in, but then it was expanded out as the release of movie was pushed back so nothing stopping it being pushed back again.
  15. Always was, just they seem to favor the more powerful single shots (all three barrels firing as one) with only a couple of places in Mospeada/New Gen with bursts.
  16. The first clip of a Alpha/Legioss that doesn't move in a jerk CG manner. Nice.
  17. Buffy/Hot girl fans are automatically solid sell to mainstream cover. Just like the movie posters...
  18. It's possible they were in fact model kits instead of toys, as VC also got given other older non-Toynami toys like certain rare toy from a French company...
  19. Raul Julia did do a superb job as Bison. 336335[/snapback]
  20. That's what I get for uploading an older backup of the page without checking it... ah well, until my ISP complains you get the images
  21. Have I got news for you! Robotech IS being released in the UK, first volume was released end of September! Of course it's Remastered... and it's being released by Manga UK... don't hit...
  22. My fav anime series. But you knew that right?
  23. Available in it's glory/infamey/whatevery on RT.com... Robotech 3000 Promo clip
  24. Apart from having the re-direct the ...uh... groin thruster at the last second, no different to attach in Armo-Diver than Armo-Fighter. The one saving grace for me of the old Sentinels comics was the Waltrips copying series line art, where most other RT comic and RPG artists have opted for using 3D models ie toys leading to stuff like Stubby Gakken Alpha Toe and VF-1 Superposable SuperKnees
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