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Everything posted by Cyclone

  1. Well, if you can view PAL discs and have a multi-region DVD player, Madman Entertainment in Australia has released both Lion and Vehicle Voltron on DVD in three disc volumes, five for Lion and three for Vehicle. http://www.madman.com.au/ (official site) http://www.ezydvd.com.au/ (easiest Australia online DVD store for you to deal with or so I've been told) Cyc
  2. *weeps* I only ever had the colored rubbery guy, third up on the right in the above image. *hugs his Vehicle Voltron DVDs*
  3. Links? 378916[/snapback] Don't misunderstand, these aren't official, just fans posting the email responses they get back from Toynami. But given the lack of any officially anounced info, that's why I mentioned them. http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...2541&forumid=23
  4. I won't mind a crash as long as companies producing modern collector items don't go under. Secondary market prices can go to hell for all I care as long as companies still keep producing the products I like. But I think artifical rareness has changed the way the market works, and generally not for the better. It has widened the field so we are getting more than main characters.
  5. It's the bad old days of Maximum Carnage all over again. Except for the fact nowdays I don't care and won't follow it, and will probably skip the cross-over issues of the titles I do follow because of it.
  6. Emails posted to the RT.com from Toynami point to their original intention of Q4 2006, and that they don't want to rush an intricate toy, which points to MPC Voltron style technical hitches.
  7. Bumping this back up in light of RT.com offering pre-orders.
  8. http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproductpreord.php?id=256
  9. No... If Gundam can't get it right... there is no hope for Macross.
  10. All I can say is.... I'm glad that it will probably be based on the Macross Saga and New Gen/Mospeada will likely be unmutilated
  11. MOAR!
  12. Well... Superposable and SD Legioss/Alpha are only a CM shorter than their Macross counterparts, so any Legioss made in a similar style would likely throw any considerations of scale to the wind, and IMO all the better for it.
  13. If it's at Tor Fair, then the $19.95 is price retailers pay for them, not RRP.
  14. D'oh! Another one. You can't make MOSPEADA stuff in 1/100 scale... it'd be Teenie (your Alpha would be between 3 and 4" tall), the Invid Scout would be like 2". The MPC Alpha is about 6.5" tall and it's 1/55 scale. Now I don't mean to harp on this like some sort of scale nazi but I think it's important to note because it significantly diminishes the propsects of seeing cheapy MOSPEADA goodies. The cheapies would have to be made in a very similar scale to the MPCs. 369995[/snapback] IMO Toynami would probably aim for a similar height to promote line similarity rather than scale much like the Superposables weren't to scale.
  15. Well, can't speak of the years before when they could have but chose not to, but in 2004 Toynami got the Japanese toy rights to Mospeada and Southern Cross to give them expanded markets for their products/to avoid anybody else releasing similar product much like Yamato/Bandai are with Macross, so that they are literally the only game in town worldwide for Mospeada and Southern Cross toys. To date only Mospeada Superposables have come out, talk of a Japanese release of the MPC Alphas has faded away, so most nowdays believe it was purely spoiler.
  16. While admitting I haven't seen Macross Zero, is the only Macross Plus series I can really stomach enough to own. But you already know that I only come here because you keep mentioning Mospeada, and this just part of that 1% of my posts to MW that aren't in Other
  17. Designs. I sold the only Yamanto toy I ever owned, 1/60 CF unwanted gift, so have no idea of the quality of 1/40
  18. So your saying that adding Mospeada elements to anything doesn't improve upon it
  19. That's my impression of one that has 3 modes.
  20. Logan's my fav ASC design too, also not that hard to make a tri-mode design either IMO
  21. Quick question on the FX, is most of the weight in the backpack/guts? I got to handle on at a local Target (smart move, stick on the shop floor and watch kids of all ages tear the packages apart to play with them) and it had it's guts lost/stolen/misplaced and it was really really light I felt.
  22. I have no hopes of this actually appearing, let alone being any good, and for me the last shot of Max at the end of Mad Max 2 was the peak of the series. On the matter of cars, they'd probably just build fibreglass shells if they really wanted to recreate the Interceptor with a modern movie budget.
  23. The reason why prefer the Legioss and Tread over... well... any Macross design is because they just give off an aura of grunt designs, not fragile.
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