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Everything posted by Cyclone

  1. Best info is....... delayed till early next year. Cyc
  2. Right about the International Dub switching to Blade, but it was still called Teknoman in Australia. Damn you Cheez TV! You repeated it something like 5 times in 18 months years ago but now when we really would like to see it.... Cyc
  3. I'm still in denial that anybody could have any interest in Macross. Personal opinions rarely matter... Cyc
  4. True, but sadly the signal to noise ratio favors the mindless bashing, thus drowning out legit criticism. The Jack Archer disappoints me in many ways. Plus that it's something new that isn't fully Macross, but it's pushing back New Gen/Mospeada stuff and that is a market where Toynami have the whole field to themselves and are literally to the only game in town Cyc
  5. Just the New Gen I-men, Winter release. At least we know why the MPC Alpha's have been delayed now. Damn you crappy Macross Saga mecha!? Will we Mospeada fans ever get a break!? Cyc
  6. Supposedly the darker color scheme is what designates it as the prototype YF-1R, the production VR-1R meant to have a lighter and probably low-viz-esq brown color. Cyc (not that cynical to suggest that a VF-1R MPC is also on the way....but only because Toynami is hung up on the need to release character piloted mecha ala Sue "Only used a Cyclone" Graham at the controls the upcoming MPC Shadow Fighter)
  7. RT.com pre-order for it is up. http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproductp...eord.php?id=180 Still has the 15,000 certificate claim but that's likely the boo-boo, but lowere down it points out RT.com only get 1000 YF-1R's with the usual sweetener of pilot cell to lurer buyers at the normal MPC RRP of $79.95US. Cyc (more interested in other toys advertised on YF-1R retailer sheet actually)
  8. The only visual difference is the head. Battlecry does give each model of VF-1 to make them different though, the A is average, D has more armor but less missiles, J has less armor but more missiles and maneuverability, S is much fastest and maneuverability but trades even more armor and the VF-1R is the fastest and most maneuverability of all, but trades much more armor for it. Cyc
  9. Aka Cam Clarke/Jimmy Flinders who also did voice for Lancer and Max Sterling in RT: Macross Saga Cyc
  10. Pro: Looks more like Punny Con: Now suffering from Rambo flashbacks Cyc
  11. Vapor, atmospheric particles and what not after the Invid energy beams hit 'em ^_~ Still, I would have gotten some amusement if New York was shown to be vaped in SDF:Macross/RT: Macross Saga and any RT explaination of why it was rebuilt to 1980's levels, complete with Pan Am building for RT: New Gen Cyc
  12. Unknown, though previously it was claimed the $80US price tag was required to pay for the larger volume of diecast the MPC Alpha would have compared to the MPC VF-1's. 'course that's rather subjective as everybody has different ideas on how much diecast should add to the price...and that's ignoring question marks over how much the prototype has versus how much might be added/removed from the production version ala MPC Rick Cyc
  13. MPC Cyclones (aka big transformable Ride Armor like the 9" Gakken) are supposed to be coming after the MPC Alpha toys are done, so won't be for a while if Toynami do ever plan to make them. At any rate, Toynami have the worldwide, including Japan, Mospeada toy rights, so they are quite literally the only game in town. Yamato had their chance...and passed on it Cyc
  14. Curse you! Now I have to go plug my SNES back up!?!? Cyc (first and last console he ever bought)
  15. Forgone conclusion I'd get one being fan of both obscure US movies and anime in the wasteland that is Australia, but the killer app that pushed me into racing out and buying one was the then coming soon R2 release of Genesis Climber Mospeada back in 2000. Macrovision off, region select, PAL/NTSC conversion as well as exporting straight NTSC for those of us with TVs that'll take both. Cyc
  16. Toynami reps/HG reps have confirmed the fact the MPC Alpha Fighter has been designed so a MPC Beta Fighter can link-up to it. Which doesn't 100% assure one will be built, just that if one is, it can link to the existing MPC Alphas. So we're in the same place as before, if the MPC Alphas sell well enough, a MPC Beta will likely be made. MPC Alphas bomb, MPC Beta dies with it. Cyc
  17. IMO it doesn't look right, much like the SD Morpher Armo-Diver. Not to mention that angled half-hand spreads the blocks of the destablizer further, the glue slowly letting going... Cyc
  18. Toynami are aware the Drone exists. Destablizer holding claw is okay in principal, but when the left arm can't reach around to hold it, and the exsiting trigger grip hand can't do the bazooka pose... Cyc
  19. Yep. Two semi-open claws, inner claw is dead center so no left right issues and the fake half size "closed claw" that plugs into the Destablizer. Cyc
  20. Dude, when will you learn that for most comic stores unless it's in Previews/Diamond, it simply does not exist and can't be ordered for any price..... They're too well trained sadly Cyc
  21. IMO about the same. Cyc
  22. 2 complete sets of normal versions, one metallic Rook and Lancer, metallic Scott on the way. Just waiting on RT.com and ToyFare to hurry up and offer their respective exclusives. Cyc
  23. The graphics don't look the best, to the point I'd prefer a return to cell shading. Not to mention taking Invid mecha on foot is not sound tactically, or the fact how can he lug around Cyclone weaponry without a Cyclone... I doubt it'll be the killer-app to convince me buying a console is a worthwhile way of using money Cyc
  24. They're still official...just not canon. Closest Macross analog that comes to mind is Macross II's limbo situation, still official Macross, now dumped for continuity sake. At any rate, presently only the 85 episodes and the Wildstorm comics are the new RT canon. Of course the question of the hour is when the Wildstorm comics conflict with the 85 episodes, which is canon then.... Cyc
  25. Bah! Blade sucks! Balzac and Ringo in their amazing Tekno-Suits (Sol-Tekkaman suits in the Japanese version) were where it's at. I bought about three of the Sol-Tekkaman kits, loved that big cannon vibe. The Teknoman dub was interesting to me for a couple of reasons such as the fact Australia got the "International" dub which retained the bladed weapon name for the characters and the completely blatant rewriting of Balzac's fate at the end of the series, when all the visual cues screamed that he died (in the Japanese version he did), with the dub slipping a couple of RT/DBZ style "He's okay! He made!" mentions on the sly... Cyc
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