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Everything posted by Cyclone

  1. IMO it's the hair. Too long at the bottom, too short up top. The absolute lowest it's meant to go is the top of jaw. The too long face and much too high forehead could be skewing it. Cyc
  2. Cyc's new wallpaper! It looks very good now....well...apart from the painted canopy. Also the angle they picked for Armo-Diver forces us to look right into the gap where the sensor pod panel used to be... Cyc
  3. It has been implied that the Alpha WILL be in the game....but it's also been implied that you might not fly it... Better not just be your starting point in the game is your downed Alpha.... Cyc
  4. New pics look greeeeeeat Hurry up and make good PS2, GC and X-box emulators for PC please! Cyc
  5. But I'm assuming we'll see Macross Saga era characters, so it'll take major re-writing, especially if Tat/HG don't give them Sentinels style make-overs. Tat might want to use it in that fashion, but it might require too much work for them to do it as easily as they hoped... Cyc
  6. The nose looks much the like the Conbat's nose, a Mospeada mecha with a VF-4 feel about it. Cyc (who really should stop drawing transformable Conbats)
  7. Am I the only one to recall the horrorific number of PC based Super Mario Kart clones back when the original SNES game was released? IMO Mario Kart and a number of console games fall into that area where outside having a hand controller it is just too complex via keyboard. Just like there are PC games that I find freaking awful on consoles without a mouse...such as FPS... Cyc
  8. Um..... it's the other way round. If there is going to be a Mospeada 2, it'll be Tatsunoko "bastardizing" the Robotech04 to do it. But odds are long at best... Cyc
  9. More a case of not seeing the demand in Europe. Australia has both RT and Macross product about even in hardness to locate, RT formerly being in EB and now at comic/special toy retailers via Toynami's Australian distribution chain, where Macross is still at Chinatown anime stores via small scale importation And both are insanely marked up and easily much cheaper bought online... Cyc
  10. But you have to remember that this was the era when Animeigo passed on Mospeada and SC as not having enough fans for them to justify releasing them, and ADV's abrupt about face on remastering Mospeada and SC seems to indicate that if HG was considering remastered RT back then, it was blue sky talk. Cyc
  11. Nope, still there. Only posts that engaged in "insults" against ADV or HG were wiped. It's died down now, with usually one "why are we forced to buy RT again" post per week at the moment. We'll see after vol 1 of Remastered comes out... Cyc
  12. *sets timer* Not even that, as none of the really long "cut" scenes, due to the fact RT dubbing for them doesn't exist, will be re-added. Cyc
  13. I prefer Robotech to Macross, mostly because at least RT has Mospeada, albeit in a debased form. Cyc
  14. *Clutches head and screams* Stop giving me ideas of what to draw next you two! Cyc
  15. Think clunky Alpha Fighter with a big snout. Those people who dig the "The Alpha can't fly" debate will love the Condor's even clunkier frame and smaller wings Cyc
  16. Why would the Condor need booster that (despite rts's efforts) looks impossible to connect in Armo-Fighter, that practically forces it to stay in Armo-Soldier. I still believe in the early testbed/flawed transformation arguement. Cyc
  17. This sums my opinion with being civil to HG in regards to Mospeada. If I all I did was bitch and not try to talk with them and assist if possible, what real effect would I have? No more than most MW fans in regards to Toynami... Cyc
  18. And you had to to go and sell you BT novels Cyc...... Muslim guy from the third Grey Death Novel? Cyc
  19. It's okay, if rather paint by numbers IMO. Cyc (who wants an easily out of control drive by itself car personally)
  20. Considered it.... ...for about 5 seconds, then I realized that it wouldn't be like GI Joe, I'd get bored of it too quickly and I'm just too darn bone lazy. Cyc
  21. 25 next month Cyc
  22. Yet another unofficial sorta but not quite engaged. We'll see how unofficial after the grandparent and other people guilt trip of Christmas... Cyc
  23. DEATH TO STUBBY LEGIOSS TOY TOE! LONG LIVE SERIES STYLE LONG TOE!!! Gakken/Imai fully transformable Legioss's = Longer nose, shorter toes MPC Alpha/Legioss = Shorter nose, longer toes ....hmmmmm... Cyc
  24. If we're talking a brand new Robotech comic ad for the upcoming series Robotech: Invasion then it's not the VF-4/Whatever....it's the Combat non-transformable fighter as seen by Yellow Belmont in Mospeada. Cyc
  25. Here's hoping. But if all the MPCs are in the $80US RRP range, better hope MPC Voltron comes complete with all five lions... Cyc
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