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Everything posted by Cyclone

  1. Bingo. That's why Toynami chose to duke it out in the crowded Macross transformable toy market instead of releasing only game in town stuff like Alphas and Spartas, because sadly even a mildly selling Macross toy will have more sales than a blockbuster sold-out New Gen toy Why take risks when old dependable is much easier.... Cyc
  2. Heck, after the R1 Mospeada art, neon line-art would be an improvement... Cyc
  3. Cataphract existed before Fourth Succession War, where the Ceasar didn't appear until TR:3050, which has the "Ceasar was based on a captured Cataphract as a prototype" claim. Also FedCom captured the Cataphract factory off the Capellans in the Fourth Succession War, so they build both Cyc
  4. I assume as much as well, but how much of a differences was made to another artist mistake, the Love & War cover with the wrong Max color scheme.... Cyc
  5. I always found that funny that the Cataphract supposedly served as the basis for the Ceasar, when it looks more like a Regult than the Cataphract. Or the fact the Cataphract has Galug legs and single Galug arm Cyc
  6. Yes I would, because there are always telltale signs. In your example the manner of your eyes for one. Moot point when it quite clearly resembles the work of Miyazawa Cyc
  7. That's what makes my heart sing about Madman's Macross box, it lays the foundation of the Australian Mospeada box having different and superior art to the Us version Cyc
  8. Considering that the Australian release won't be out until next month, and is effectly the Animeigo release, thus lacking English audio, I can't see how it's possible... Cyc
  9. Just one point for the legions of blind people here. That isn't Yune's style. It quite clearly the work of RT: Invasion interior artist Takeshi Miyazawa... Don't let bias cloud your judgement into assuming that your usual suspect are to blame, when even a 5 year old could tell it was a different artist. Cyc
  10. Of those online retailers that are willing to ship outside Australia... Ezydvd.com.au Macross Ultimate Collection entry: http://www.ezydvd.com.au/item.zml/226180 DeVoteD Macross Ultimate Collection entry: http://www.devoteddvd.com.au/shop/product_...oducts_id=10167 Family Box Office Macross Ultimate Collection entry: http://www.fbo.com.au/movie.asp?ID=11341 DeVoteD offers the cheaper pre-order price, but EzyDVD is much more professional and prompt but not as cheap, where FBO falls between them. Cyc
  11. March 17th 2004, the same day as the rest of Madman's 20+ March releases. RRP $149.95 Aus. Cyc
  12. HG might have been looking for a reason to justify the pull of licenses back for that animation masterpiece of Robotech 3000. It was probably HG didn't want to ruin a new deal with Tommy's old friends at Wildstorm, that link also making it much easier to bring them back into line than with the old "show HG after the fact" method. Cyc
  13. Madman licensed SDF:Macross, and SDC:Southern Cross and Genesis Climber Mospeada direct from Harmony Gold, who provided Animeigo and ADV's masters (footage, subs, extras) to all three shows. Remember that HG claim that they have Worldwide (excluding Japan) rights to SDF: Macross, just they refused to give Animegio more than Region 1 rights. Madman's success from selling Robotech, also licensed direct from HG, probably showed that they could handle the other shows. NO DUB. NOT ROBOTECH. MACROSS. Animegio never created one, and Madman aren't interested in dubbing, making do with what they get from their US/Japanese licensors. Unfortunately this has sealed the deathnell of any chance of getting Madman to change the Mospeada names back to normal, as they seem to be disinclined to mess with the already complete in bmp form ADV subtrack Cyc
  14. Well, it's not out yet with March 16th being the tentative release date, but I'm assuming that the usual places that get the whole range of Madman titles such as EB, HMV and JB Hi-Fi will carry it. Many of the local online stores are offering pre-orders for it, with the usual discounts for doing so. Failing that, buy direct from Madman. Cyc
  15. 3 case slots + 2 discs per case = 6 Dual layer discs, 3 episodes per layer. Madman have confirmed that they do have the Animeigo masters. IMO RT Remastered does use the same masters, just the compression ruins it, with further degration from editing. And yes I'll probably buy, mostly because Macross will be Madman's first non-bilingual subbed only release, so if it bombs other sub only shows might not make it out...such as some show called Mospeada, slated for release later this year ~_^ Cyc
  16. This is Super Dimensional Fortress Macross not Robotech, it's being made using Animegio's masters, which Madman got from Harmony Gold. So it's as uncut as Animeigo's release was. Hard box with room for 3 DVD cases, Madman going for 2 discs style cases. The recipe cards have been replaced with a trio of booklets, first with episode synopis fun facts, second with lyrics, third character profiles. Cases will have Animegio style vectored art covers. The clincher, and the main reason why I'll pick this up, is the price tag of $150Aus, incredibly low compared to the US release. That and the fact it's present a March 2004 release If it wasn't PAL format, I'd recommend US people import it... Cyc
  17. Looks good for the most part. Cyc
  18. Moral of the story: You want something, you have to do it yourself. Case in point: 5 or so years ago I was disturbed by the lack of English language Mospeada sites...so... Cyc
  19. I just clicked with the dynamic of Voyager, in both setting and crew. Cyc
  20. Another pre-orderer. I have Gakkens, so what else is there for me? More Gakkens? Toynami are sadly the only game in town for new stuff. Cyc
  21. they always had dyrl style heads on the vf-1a Nope, just gave the eye grey edges. I guess Toynami DYRL toys using the TV series head is no different from Yamato toys claiming to be TV series VF-1A with the DYRL head... Cyc
  22. At least they have the sharp edged DYRL hands...but then they always did... Cyc (prefers the TV VF-1A head and rounded TV style hands)
  23. New Gen story at the moment, so apart from the Conbat looking like one... Of course a Macross Saga backup on what happened to Mars Base Sera in the RT universe might pull some magical mecha out there... Cyc
  24. I do what I can Cyc
  25. Why should this matter given it's only a cheap effort to get more milage out of the existing Superposeables molds? Apart from having to mold a Strike beam cannon FAST Pack, these are just the Battlecry Superposeables with a different paint job, heck they're still going to use the TV A head instead of the DYRL A head. Cyc
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