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Everything posted by Cyclone

  1. Ah, but are they the original colors was my point... Cyc
  2. *blinks and holds up R4 version of Pred:Special Ed * You mean this DVD I've owned for almost TWO years this June, your only just getting? Cyc
  3. The R2 set has the same color style as the HK boot, so makes you wonder if the R1 set had it's color balance altered like RT: New Gen's was... Cyc
  4. HK boot is a rip from the R2 set, which wasn't the highest quality either, so it's about even par. Stock HK subs, songs are unsubbed. Ignoring the flashback scenes, which you could just watch the R1 release for, the main chunk of subbed speech is an interview with Yellow covering that he loves the performing on stage live, a simple and unspoiled back to nature lifestyle makes him look better, that while fond of the cross-dressing he doesn't need to pretend for the camo angle, but mostly the fact he still thinks about his friends and his travels with them. Cyc
  5. Early days they reportedly had problems with getting it to return to liquid state, that the shock of a hit "locked" it solid, wonder if they licked that... Cyc
  6. *cries, once again being reminded of the horror that he'll have to wait until Christmas for the next lot of Red Dwarf DVDs* Cyc
  7. It's possible they haven't updated the Sept 2003 date. Not that i'm discounting the possiblity that it may have been pused back to Sept 2004 either Cyc
  8. Laziness. Same deal with trying to get people to say Legioss instead of Alpha Fighter, "that's too much effort, what's the point, I don't care enough"... Yet if I say Veritech instead of Valk...and boy would I get reamed... Cyc
  9. mmmmmmm......No. The upper arms in battriod put me off, and my natural dislike of the VF-1 doesn't help it... Still very well thought out though Cyc
  10. umm i would not call "The first two do the rounds online as mp3s, but haven't seen Pitt Inn..." english. I would Just one missed "I" in there, I admit that much. Moving on, to date I have not seen the LLA soundtrack in mp3 form on the internet. Cyc
  11. Yep, no less than three... But someone else can cover this topic much better than I... Genesis Climber Mospeada Soundtracks The first two do the rounds online as mp3s, but haven't seen Pitt Inn... Cyc
  12. Ditto...minus the custom making part Cyc
  13. And just to screw the map up... Lat: -27° 37' 18" Long: 152° 45' 35" Cyc
  14. Finally, something macross that was done with MS Paint... Don't hit!
  15. Already in discussion. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=7268 Cyc
  16. You'd never bump this thread? Cyc
  17. Still got the non-fast pack Hayo for all your Toynami based non-transforming VF-1 needs, no matter how minimal those needs may be... Cyc
  18. The colors! My eyes! Hurting! Cyc
  19. Place your bets people! Who does worst trailer copy, ADV now or classic Bandai US! Cyc
  20. It doesn't help their cause they also mention their hive based though Cyc
  21. Me! Oh, you mean take a bets on the odds they WON'T... I decline. Cyc (at least no mention of Robotech The Movie as yet.....)
  22. Tatsunoko Productions (Japan) or Harmony Gold (everywhere that isn't Japan) could hit them up, but Toynami who have the toy/model rights to Mospeada the world over would probably have the most to lose from these guys and more motivation to strike. Assuming a judge wouldn't rule that enough changes had been made... Cyc
  23. My dad has one, probably a bootleg also based on those images, and quite rightly refused to let me wear with it or play with it much for fear I'd break it or lose it. What? Just because I chewed on Thundercracker's nosecone ONCE doesn't mean I'd wreck another transforming toy... Cyc
  24. I'd take a Hargun over a Garland! But an Akira bike will do in a pinch *cues pee-wee 50 engine noise*
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