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Everything posted by Cyclone

  1. You don't buy that Bendis felt the title was done, that once the big secret was out, part of the mystery was gone? Cyc (who still wants to know about Jessica as Knightress...)
  2. Given that Bendis writes a large section of Marvel output (or feels like it) including some top selling titles, and taking his indie stuff onboard was the best way to convince him to go exclusive with them, I doubt Marvel will do anything to annoy him... ...well...assuming Marvel don't expect Powers to sport Ultimate Spider-man numbers Cyc
  3. And IIRC the very first OVA release was....Megazone 23, with Love Live Alive another early release. Cyc
  4. New toys, series to be release on DVD here locally I'd rather have Vehicle Voltron. My classic action figure size Matchbox Lion Voltron more than meets any Lion Voltron requirements I'll ever have by a factor of 10... Cyc
  5. Bingo, it's why I didn't express interest even thought I wouldn't mind getting them. After all, you can never have too much Mospeada product Cyc
  6. They have been, just got to wait for the full scans to be released. So far only Scott has appeared outside of photos of the spines on Toynami's teaser sheet for the Scott Type Alpha. Cyc
  7. Robotech.com finally put up their version of the most recent Toynami Scott type Alpha article and image set. Robotech.com Masterpiece Alpha Fighter Scott Type image area Nothing super new, but one extra image Toynami didn't show and all the images are slightly larger and less cropped than what Toynami used. Cyc
  8. Based on the photos it looks like the real deal, but if it's a re-issue or boot it'd be nice to get either way at that price. 'course if for literally years nobody knows what happens to molds, why pop up now if legit? I doubt beating the MPCs would be enough of a reason... Cyc
  9. Not me, sorry But funny story along those lines... I did express interest in mospeada.com once upon a, but a Singapore cyber-squater had beaten me to it... I wonder if HG got it back via the infringement of our trademark defense or by ponying up the cash. Cyc
  10. It always happens... The company they seems to put more than normal work into their product releases stuff I wouldn't buy on a bet, while the stuff I do want is released by companies that just do good quality Case in point Yamato=Macross, Toynami= Mospeada and now, PL=Enterprises, Bandai=Voyager Cyc
  11. On the point of future models, if people have issues with chest scrapping with the non-head fin equipped Stick type... Cyc (who admits to cheating with his Imai kits by pushing the fins forward instead of back...no scrapping that way)
  12. Sorry for digging this up, but on review it stuck in my head... Madman Entertainment in Australia for their release of SDF:Macross received everything from HG, and the best art HG provided them, almost the only art provided them was the Tommy Yune MPC pilot images, so technically they have offered distinct RT art as Macross. Cyc
  13. True enough, considering that Toynami has been deathly quiet on even a US release of those since the inital con "coming soon" advertising... Cyc
  14. Because if HG released a dub of DYRL (not even using RT cast) and sub version, the dub would utterly slaughter the sub version in sales. Releasing DYRL bilingual is the only way to ensure maximum sales, and unlike the original series HG doesn't have what it considers to be a dub versions (RT) to afford going sub only. Cyc
  15. Yep, the Epoch deal was for release of ALL of Toynami's Mospeada output, not just the MPCs. 'course we'll have to see if more is released, the MPC Legioss has been plugged a couple of times in the Japanese press so it might be saved, but question marks over Mospeada I-men and Superposable Ride Armor... Cyc
  16. Well, based on the majority of the time in the series, the right wing is the right wing Cyc
  17. Go away for a couple of days... 1) Wheels down line-art 2) Legioss - Tread side by side in Armo-Soldier mode Also nice to talk about MPC Beta Fighter/Tread, but in the same breath they confirmed that making one depended upon how well the MPC Alpha's/Legioss sold, they stated that MPC Cyclones were next after the Legioss/Alpha no matter what, so we're talking literal years here... Cyc
  18. Nope, check out some of the earlier prototypes such as this guy from Comic-con 2003: http://www.robotech.com/images/content/GIM_640_2_3957.jpg And you can see that with landing gear down the chest block comes dangerously close to the ground. Heck, with the Imai kit which appears to sport a stubbier and shorter central chest block than the MPC has similar problems, even if the MPC avoids some of that droop via the big connect points for the leading edge extentions to snap and lock tight into the intake/torso blocks. Unfortunately Toynami were kinda stuck and chose to follow the line-art way the rear gear are, instead of cheating and and extending them, or doing something entirely different but not series specific (ala the large Gakken's). Cyc
  19. New selection of MPC Scott type images on the Toynami site http://www.toynami.com/robotech_mpc_alpha.html# Highlights include: Nice close-ups. Shoulder missile pod internally look JUST like the Imai kit, complete with non-removable missiles. Gunpod under wing! But wrong side! (good in the end I guess). Cockpit canopy still the wrong shape. Cyc
  20. Hmmm... Thinking on the Robotech: Crystal Dream/Macross: Another Dimension thoughts people had, I wonder if VC's rights to do this section are similar to Toynami's worldwide rights to do Mospeada toys... Cyc
  21. A little small, but I'm more worried about what happened to the "gas tank", we can see the helmet from behind...no no... But seeing it in motion, yes that's the real test. Cyc
  22. *scratches head* Um...ADV anounced from day one that they were releasing all 85 episodes remastered, so this wasn't a shock or anything. Especially given the fact that ADV remastered SDC:SC so they could also do RT remastered it'd be silly if they didn't release it... Cyc
  23. It all boils down to: Robotech: English Dub Mospeada, Southern Cross and that other series: Not dubbed What? You expected the Anime Network to cater to actual anime fans and not the same market CN Toonami aimed for? Cyc
  24. That's why it's fun to spoof them by just randomly selecting options But in most cases I like the ones where the options are much more vague so you don't know from the start what it will end up as.
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