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About CollectorCanine

  • Birthday 10/17/2000

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    Somewhere in Ohio
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  1. Did anyone else notice that the subtitles for Macross Plus: Movie Edition go out of sync (show up on screen a few seconds before the associated dialogue) about ~28 minutes in?
  2. They were going for around $300 when I was trying to track my copy down back in February.
  3. They were difficult to remove at first for me, but after doing it a few times I have found a technique that prevents the bending and gets them out semi-easily. Still not easy, but better than them bending...
  4. Honestly, the artbook is so full of really amateurish grammar mistakes that it makes me wonder if anyone ever actually proofread it before it made it to print. Feels very amateur-ish overall. "Look's" instead of the proper "looks..."
  5. Yes, the master is the exact same as the Japanese Blu-ray.
  6. The subtitles used for the staff interviews on the Movie Edition disc aren't the best, just gonna let that be known.
  7. Here's a list of issues I have found with All the Anime/Anime Limited's Macross Plus Ultimate Edition Blu-ray set: - The discs are held on cheap, crappy spindles in the art book instead of in a plastic case. - The art cards and poster are a bit unnecessary and I don't know what to do with them other than keep them in the box. However, they have already sustained some scuffing and frayed edges just from me taking the art book in and out of the cardboard slipcase three times. - The whole box with all contents inside is heavy, unwieldy, and does not fit well into a typical Blu-ray collection. - No closed captions for the English dub. - The English subtitles are always on when you switch to the Japanese audio track. You can't turn them off. - The artbook's text is full of run-on sentences, grammar errors, random switching between American and British spellings of words, and instances of words being repeated like a line that has "was was" in it. - The original Manga Entertainment English dub for Episode 4 being a bonus feature instead of a selectable audio track option. The later redub of Episode 4 is the default, despite having a totally different cast from the other episodes. It just feels outdated, unprofessional, and rushed in a lot of ways. All of this is especially annoying when you take the set's $190 MSRP price tag into consideration. I will edit this post as I find more issues and learn more about the set over the next few days.
  8. The set is neat from first impressions! The spindles the discs are on kinda suck and I question the choice to stick the discs in the book instead of in a normal plastic case, but it is what it is I guess. I will test the discs out in my (region A) Blu-ray player after dinner.
  9. I know this reply is late, but no, a 4K of Macross Zero would not be worth doing. As far as I know, it was animated entirely digitally and mastered digitally, so Big West had to upscale it to even make it HD.
  10. Robert said there would be a new update in "a few days" over a week ago... wonder what happened?
  11. Crunchyroll charged me for my copy, but I don't have a shipping notification yet.
  12. Got this sucker in yesterday. Haven't had much time to mess with it due to being busy, but it's alright. I'm a bit annoyed with some joints being too tight, the parts-swapping, and there being hardly enough clearance for the arms to tuck in during transformation to fighter mode and flip back out going the opposite way, but I don't regret picking this as my first Macross toy.
  13. Why are old people so obsessed with toys having metal? lol
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