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Space Casual Life

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Everything posted by Space Casual Life

  1. Hi all, Looking at purchasing this book: Does anyone have it? I want to confirm some contents I've seen online in older Dougram books - ie breakdowns of small arms (rifles, machineguns) etc used in the series. Would these be included? I can't find much specifically about that content. Thanks.
  2. I might pick this up if its on the shelf the next time I go into Kinokuniya.
  3. Nice. I was always standoffish about the Leijiverse because of the Japanese nationalist themes in Yamato. However, it's such solid sci-fi from the random episodes of stuff I've seen, and so iconic for characters like Harlock, I have to see it all before I die and it will be my next watch project after I'm done with filling in all the gaps in my viewing for Takahashi and Tomino. So should be a year or two at least before I get started!
  4. First time watching Dougram. Just finished episode 10 last night and love it. Originally I thought it was a little too close to the storyline of Gundam (rebellious colony setup) but it's proved its originality to me now. It does ground combat really well and the Dougram seems more vulnerable and "real" than the RX-78 ever did. I'm having fantasies about building the kits and running massive 1/72 wargames now...very tempted to order some Dougram kits..a lot of my real world 1/72 vehicles and terrain/buildings would double in the Dougram world... btw does anyone else still watch anime with a genlock? What setup do you use? Here's my current setup: Chain is MDP-999 LD player and laptop (running Sub Station Alpha and .SSA files) into TVone CS-450, then out to CRT. Dougram .SSA ready to run Combined images on screen. Current shows on deck. The few subs I can find for Minky Momo aren't even properly timed anyway so I'm watching it raw. My Japanese isn't great but the easiest Japanese is female Japanese imo. So I can understand about 98% of what Momo and her Mum say but much less of what male characters say. The older and "oyajier" the male character, the less I understand.
  5. Hi Azrael, ok. So can you recommend any still active anime forums that might have people also into older shows and that would allow file sharing? Thanks.

  6. Could we use this thread to share links and resources for finding subtitles? In the glory days of Sub Station Alpha, a lot of fansub sites had files for download and I have a lot (although not all that was available) saved. These days most of those sites are gone though and its harder and harder to track down subs for some shows. I can share what I personally have here if there's interest. Please let me know in the thread. Currently I'm having no luck finding subtitles for Magical Princess Minky Momo TV (1982) except for eps 1-8, 26, 29, 33, 35, 36 and 53. If anyone can help with files for the rest of the show could they please post here? Thank you and Macross Forever!
  7. Is this a misconception generally about "real robot" shows from the '80s? I believe post Gundam a lot of this stuff was actually dually aimed at high school kids and college students? Macross originally aired on Sundays at 14:00. Kid friendly, but also enough time for hungover College kids to wake up...? Dougram debuted on a Friday. Does anyone know what time of day? I guess they would get a lot of merch sales from kids and kids would definitely watch this stuff but young adults watched it too and picked up on the more complex themes. It's like when I was a kid I'd see war movies and of course Robotech and not necessarily understand everything but I was still enthralled. Actually, not understanding references or parallels in the real world probably made it more fascinating to my 7 year old brain. Stuff like GI Joe or Smurfs was pretty boring to me in comparison to serialised Japanese war stories. However, I'm watching Dougram for the first time currently (only 8 episodes in myself) and I agree with you, the political complexity is a step up from Macross or even Gundam. I had to rewatch a couple of early episodes to fully understand the plot and I'm in my 40s now! ha.
  8. Nice. So it seems this drawing was never published during the '80s. It intrigues me. It's apparently self propelled artillery that never appears in the show. The APC nearby looks like a basic take off an M113 whereas the final APC design is quite a bit different. So I'm guessing this was an early concept sketch that was scrapped. The similarities to the Lancer II design is interesting too, with the large radar boom on top and twin canons. I'd originally thought it was supposed to be a repurposed Lancer II (this would fit with the theme of improvisation, attaching carriers to the SDF-1, after the space fold) or a launcher for it. It's great that all this material was apparently kept. A lot of shows had a different philosophy to preservation then, ie: none.
  9. Yes I was. Thanks for your thoughts. And Shawn and Seto, thanks also.
  10. Thanks for posting JVMacross. I was sure I'd never seen that SF-3A Lancer II on a carrier illustration before. Checked all my TV books (PM, TIA x 4, Studio Nue Mechanic Design Works) and can confirm for those books anyway. This book might be worth purchasing if still available. Has anyone else seen this sketch before and where? Thanks.
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