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Double Spy

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Everything posted by Double Spy

  1. Great plane but I really not digging his head too much.
  2. Double Spy

    Hi-Metal R

    Elint Back in Stock at HLJ! o!
  3. 62680 yen it would cost me from NY which is like 577$ USD which is the base price at HLJ. So Ill keep the HLJ and of course ship it with other stuff I get by then. The extra HLJ shipping shouldnt be much higher.
  4. Where is the preorder link on the site and they ship to USA?
  5. Need a YF-21!!!
  6. it was I apologize
  7. Then I think HLJ only? Nip will ban you for cancels I think
  8. so then might as well order plain now and order again in April.. sucks but oh well..
  9. So people will be dumping non premiums and then order premiums. What a waste of time vs announcing both at the same time, the versions. What is this BS work in progress about? its the same parts, same method, same tempos on the parts, It doesn't take any extra or new engineering or time to develop these. The molds are done, just recolors.. Arggh Arcadia so unfriendly.
  10. What do I do? Cancel my reg order and wait for a Prem's?
  11. Double Spy

    Hi-Metal R

    What new payment, I didnt see anything different unless I missed it today when ordering one.
  12. Whats teh deal with NY? THis is the second time I've ordered where they have in stock items and its been like 4 days and nothing has shipped. The last time was last yeear during there mega sale I bought some Hi-Metal stuff and after 5 days I was wtf I shipped this as fedex so I had to email asking what up and then they shipped it. Same seems to be happening now with my VF-31 + pack order. Been about 4 days no shipping but I didnt pick Fedex. I would except it to ship within like a day or 2 at most.
  13. Double of everything, nice.. I wish I cash like that at least 1k sitting there and its a partial! /faint I almost thought about 2x Megatrons but that dont seem hard to get so I figure down the road maybe.. but damn he is perfect!
  14. then forget it!
  15. HLJ - Says limit per 1 but can I make a second order hours later and be ok?
  16. Nah, still impossible to get outside that window. Its sold out by the time you notice its on the front page of HLJ. I was able to preorder some 25's but I havent been able any of the 3 Delta valks at all. sucks D.
  17. Double Spy

    Hi-Metal R

  18. Double Spy

    Hi-Metal R

    HI-METAL R Glaug: pre-order up again @ HLJ max 1 per order $103 ea. http://www.hlj.com/product/bann04090
  19. Is this a super wide release, should I keep 2 orders?
  20. Just saw this too
  21. Yea what I meant the boxes of teh figures were crushed. poor Solid Snakes
  22. I'm broke, has anyone who wants to ship a large shipment from HLJ get crappy packing from HLJ? Last box I got it had 2 valks, 2 masterpiece primes, superion and some figures. The figures were loose on top of the valks and really not protected and crushed. basically I have to open them up or sell on ebay as damage and get some money back. Not diggin there packaging
  23. Need a YF-21
  24. $295 ea set of Armor. You know it will be!
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