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Double Spy

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Everything posted by Double Spy

  1. Ya I saw this from an email, never happening cant afford to pay that price even with Tax bonus!
  2. HLJ paid and Amazon shipped, woohoo. Missiles secured at NY. When is the next 1/48 pre-order
  3. It will still sellout alot and ebay scalpers will be selling for 2x the price and will be moving them.
  4. CDJ Sucks for paypapl upfront. So cant go with them. Got in on Amazon now!
  5. Same also, I got one from HLJ tho.
  6. Ya I think what I meant :P Staying up Thursday!
  7. so Thursday @ 12am for PST?
  8. Not today, but one day I will own you.
  9. Very nice, wish wasnt so hard to preorder before.
  10. So after the initial counter that was BS and bunch of angry annoyed customers who left they reopen again now the people who waited that left already missed out argh so lame. They could have put a page saying the counter was wrong and the items are delayed. Nope..... Arcadia > Bandai in every aspect of preordering.
  11. No its not 25000yen (27000yen Tax incl. in Japan) US$ 227.98
  12. It was for non proxy version. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-281659
  13. Some Bullshit, the timer clicked 3 2 1 the page updated I clicked instantly and its SOLD OUT.. please.
  14. Need a YF-21 so bad
  15. dang 2am PST Friday.
  16. Hopefully they will clear them out by Fall. I dont see the PF being a super hot fast mover.
  17. Saddens me but I canceled the premium @HLJ. Almost $660 shipped just too much and no room for it.
  18. We should be vacuum sealing the MISB boxes? Sealer bags that fit Arcadia sized boxes might be hard to come by and expensive
  19. This is depressing, whats the point to collect its its a timer to be faded. I should just sell everything and look at pictures, safer!now!!!!!!!!
  20. New features are the paint and white missiles?
  21. OMG! x2
  22. Is there a complete list by Series or by release date for SH Star Wars figures? I have alot but I's like to know what I've missed or passed on.
  23. Dang I loved that place!
  24. AND Milia comes out next year!
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