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About genocide

  • Birthday 03/23/1983

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. my 1st valk! 1/60 with my custom made stand. the background's not that great tho... sorry for the double post... cant find the delete button...
  2. http://greattoysonline.proboards43.com/index.cgi PM greattoys.net (admin), or post in the inquiries section... maybe he can get you one... we call it bricua's stand...
  3. does the joints loosen easily after being transformed for several times? can the loose joints be remedied? another thing, i'v observed that the ball joints that connects the body to the legs are somewhat thin? I've observed this when in battroid mode.. does this part have any issues? do they break easily?
  4. hi! just started collecting toys this year... and i've had enough of gundam kits... broken parts here and there... except maybe for my MG wing zero custom... but the feathers are killing me... they keep falling off!! anyway, are the 1/48s durable? what type of plastic does it have?? i've seen threads here about broken parts... are they common??? THANX!!
  5. Hayao: nicely done sir... it's gorgeous...
  6. genocide

    1/48 Manual

    hi guys! can you lead me to a site where i can find scans of 1/48 manual??? thanx!!!!!
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