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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Thanks for the pics, Graham! Now I'm not too worried about Bandai rereleasing their Hikaru type VF-1S.
  2. 1/72 = 10 pcs. 1/60 = 10 pcs. 1/48 = 4 pcs. The VF-11B may be 1/65th, but I included it with the 1/72nd (Macross Plus) toys.
  3. Wedging the gun up against the shoulder and or the chest helps.
  4. Domo arigato, Mr. Yamato, er, Graham!
  5. I'm the same... I guess.
  6. (Moderators, please pin this thread) Anyone with any pictures, news, compliments, gripes, jokes, etc on Toynami's Alpha/Legioss toys, please post here.
  7. (Moderators, please pin this thread) I started the original thread so it's only proper I start the new one! Anyone with any pictures, news, compliments, gripes, jokes, etc on Toynami's VF-1 "Veritech" toys, please post here.
  8. How much bigger/smaller is the FIX Nu Gundam in comparison to the MSIA Nu?
  9. Name: Richard Age: 29 (will be 30 two weeks from today! ) Height: 5'10" Weight: @200 lbs Occupation: Mechanical drafter/designer, sheet metal CNC programmer Here's the latest picture of moi from almost two weeks ago at my cousin Jeff's wedding. With the exception of the tux I wore for my sister's wedding last year, I haven't worn a suit in over two years!
  10. With a little more work, I was able to position the gun in a more horizontal position (it's over 20 minutes later and it's still in place).
  11. Here it is with the Jegan's Base Jabber and my other Nu's Fin Funnels.
  12. Boy some of you guys are running late in getting the FA-93 Nu. I got my first one from a Target about 5 or 6 weeks ago. It does suck that the beam parts of the beam sabers and the fin funnels aren't there, but it's quite simple to borrow the parts from the original Nu figure. As for the beam cannon and the missile-loaded shield, it should be remembered that this armament layout is meant for space combat (no gravity) and that the real Nu would have hydralics to hold things up. Here's a few pictures I took a few minutes ago.
  13. Same here (I had over 2,600 posts)! And I was like person number 6 to join up on the original Macross World board from 2000. But Macross World is back up and running and that's what counts! B)
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