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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Put me in your will, Kevin!
  2. The purpose of this poll is for Yamato Macross collections only.
  3. I see Yoshinol now has an alternate purpose!
  4. I've owned 4 HCMs in the past 15 years and presently still own 3. None of the fingers on mine have ever broken. In fact, no parts have broken at all. Despite many people claiming that the HCM is fragile (when most of them don't actually own one), I've personally found it to be a very sturdy toy. About the only part you need to take care with are the VF-1S's head lasers which are quite thin and stiff to rotate. And yes, I do prefer the HCM to both the MPC and the Taka/Bandai 1/55. Graham Graham's absolutely right. The rumors about the HCM being fragile began at Valkyrie Hangar (or Factory, I forgot). I've never spoken with an HCM owner who's said that it's fragile. I agree that the fingers look fragile, but this is good old 80's ABS plastic, not the cheap sh1t you get nowadays. The head lasers are definitely the weakest point, you just need to be careful with them. Anyways, the HCM's have been around for nearly 20 years and have withstood the test of time. Let's see how well the MPC ages. My opinion on the HCM having fragile fingers is completely based on all the eBay auctions I have watched throughout the years... about every other HCM that shows up has one or more broken fingers.
  5. There was probably a good reason why the reengined and updated A models were originally called "A+" instead of "B". Back during the 1970's, Grumman built, and flew, one F-14 that was designated as a "B" model. The F-14A's Pratt & Whitney TF-30's (which was also used on the F-111) was only meant as an interim engine. The single F-14B of the 1970's flew with the Pratt & Whitney F401 which was the intended powerplant for the Tomcat. But when all was said and done, all the A models ended up being equipped with the TF-30.
  6. Where's my :puke: emoticon? Actually, isn't this a good thing since it will get HHH out of the WWE or at least reduce the time he's holding the belt?
  7. I was never a fan of the HCM; a poorly representation of the VF-1 then the older 1/55ths and it seems like their fingers were prone to breaking. I have never owned an HCM and currently have no desire to persue one.
  8. Simple, Big West would refuse to hand over any materials (ie. films, line art, reference materials, etc.). It can also tell companies like Bandai and Yamato not to play ball with HG (as in releasing their Valk toys under the Robotech name) because it would negatively effect their business relations... otherwise saying, Big West may no longer give licenses to any company that goes over its head to work with Harmony Gold. If some of us are correct, Toykyo Pop may have put itself in this situation and may have a difficult time directly getting any kind of future rights or exclusives from Big West.
  9. Graham has had over 3 years of proving himself as a worthy and accurate source... notice how he is able to get all this information along with pictures and actual physical prototypes of Yamato's stuff?
  10. As a big fan of Larry Hama's GI Joe work, I completely agree.
  11. But as seen in Macross and Macross Zero, the anti-UN has its own fixed wing and variable (as in transformable) aircraft so there might be a need to have an Agressor/Adversary unit to simulate their paint jobs and tactics. Also doesn't the anti-UN remain in existance until at least 2050 (aren't they the main bad guys in VF-X2)?
  12. I think you're exaggerating the "HG lost everything" statement, although I can't remember exactly how it was presented. IIRC, they reported the court case decision and speculated that this PERHAPS meant HG may lose a great deal of power regarding the Macross franchise. Here you go, SuperO: Harmony Gold does not own Macross License - Japanese Courts rule Absolutely terrible, piss poor, unconscionable (sp?) reporting, IMHO. Got all the facts wrong, and other than the edit, which said that TMS was not affected, said that HG had nothing. No mention of "perhaps" whatsoever. Especially the injunction against HG. HG wasn't even a party to the suit. And this article cause days of confusion, anger, cheering, and angst on these boards. And this article caused more of "HG is a bunch of liars" when it released its own press release saying that it was not affected by the decision because it was in Japan and HG was not a party. Even the "Japanese source" says nothing other than BW won. One thing you Harmony Gold defenders have never noticed is that after Toynami's "Macross Super Poseables" were released as an exclusive off of rt.com during March of 2002, Harmony Gold has done NOTHING additional with it so called license or rights to the Macross TV series... otherwise nothing else has come out with the SDF Macross logo, the Valkyrie name, the original Japanese characters names, etc.... it's just been the "Macross Saga" that's been getting all the props and merchandise. The Feb. 2002 ruling from Tokyo DID have an effect on Harmony Gold. Furthermore, HG's failure to bring things full circle with the Valkyrie Exchange, Blasto Toys, et al is further evidence of HG's weak standing.
  13. There's also been a few times turing that thread's life where no one posted to it for days if not even a week or two.
  14. I hate myself for getting back into this...but as to ANN's credibility....they have none. They are blatantly Anti-Harmony Gold and have little journalistic integrity. While it is ok to have an opinion (even a strong one), you aren't supposed to let it become personal. ANN let it be personal. EDIT: And to back up what others are saying...none of us has credibility either. All of our rantings are based on fan perceptions. If you frequently keep your eyes on ANN, they have many a time posted Robotech and Harmony Gold related items in a non-slanted, unbiased way.
  15. http://www.robotech.com/news/viewarticle.php?id=175 The news release is still on the front page of Robotech.com I searched Tokyo Pop's site myself and find absolutelty nothing about Macross 7. I wouldn't be surprised if Big West got in touch with them over this deal.
  16. I fell away from the Mega Man series by the time it reached the SNES, but there is no denying that this is one "Mega" game compilation. I think I'll get it.
  17. I paid $300 for a complete Jetfire (box and everything) back in January 2000. Just a few months later, Kevin Lam was telling me of Yamato/Toycom starting up work on their VF-1 designs! Knowing what I know now, I probably would have past on getting any Jetfires, but at the same time I'm still glad I have this unique part of Valkyrie history.
  18. Looks like it's coming together nicely.
  19. Whatever it is, I hope it's not something about music controlled mechs, Anima Spiritia, or environmental whacko themes.
  20. I have the Stig/Scott regular figure and the green metallic Yellow/Lancer figures so far. Will be getting the full regular poseable set along with the metallic blue Stig/Scott and red metallic Houquet/Rook figures from the VE in just a few more days. So far, I like this figure. It should be remembered that the Legioss is blockier then the Valkyrie from the get go, so thus its figure is a little blocky.
  21. I would have to say overall it's pretty funny stuff, but beware of episode 26!
  22. http://www.marimusic.com/index2.html I've checked Mari's hompeage and there are no references to her doing voice work for this game.
  23. I myself am getting 3 so I can have up to two of my 1/48th's loaded with Super or Strike Packs at once and the third set is for long term storage or collecting.
  24. This may not apply to every Gamestop in the US, but apparently some of the Gamestops in this part of the Midwest (southeast Nebraska) are starting to clear their MPC VF-1's for 50% off! I was able to an MPC Max for $30 and an MPC Myria for $40... my birthday is in 2 days so I consider it an early birthday gift to myself. B)
  25. *Sniffle* I didn't realize it was to start today! At least I won't miss episode 2, VCR's all set! I've already picked up a few of the figures (Captain Gundam and Zapper Zaku) and they are definitely a change of pace over the regular Gundam figures. Guess I'll see if SD's entertaining or not (Zeta's what I'm anxious to see!).
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