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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Here's Thor's Hammer and one of the other teams (Dave Leininger's "You Betchas" from Minnesota) getting ready to march out to the launch pads.
  2. The "Rocket Babes" finished dead last at about 2 and a half hours... this was due in part to one of their members hading a heat stroke (it was about 105-110 degrees outside!).
  3. Here are 6 of the other 7 competing rockets.
  4. Here's Tony after handing off out rocket to the RSO for inspection.
  5. Finished in about an hour and 25 minutes, Thor's Hammer! One of the other teams was just a minute behind us!
  6. All 8 teams were given parts and components provided by Public Missiles Limited. Some of the kits sets came with three fins, while others came with 4. The lengths and shapes of the nosecones varied so each team had to cut their tubes to different lengths to get the required 8 foot length. This is one of the other teams turning in their rocket to the the Range Safety Officer for inspection. Two of the eight teams were done building their rockets in under an hour.
  7. Starting at 8:00 PM EST / 7:00 CST on Sunday November 9th, the Discovery Channel will be airing Rocket Challenge... Rocket Challenge is a three hour presentation that was filmed by First Television at LDRS XXII which, this year, was held near Argonia, KS during the middle of July. LDRS,Large and Dangerous Rocket Ships, is the national high power model rocket get-together held once a year by the Tripoli Rocketry Association. Besides US rocketeers, model rocketeers from around the world attend this event, too, and in 2005, LDRS will be held in Canada. Some of the featured rockets you will see during this presentation, such as the flying porta potty "Our Stinkin' Rocket", were built by and/or involved members of the rocketry group I belong to, The Heartland Organization of Rocketry - THOR. You will possibly see me on screen during some of these featured projects... I will probably be wearing a white t-shirt that says "TEAM REDSTONE" in bold red letters and has a Mercury Redstone on the back, sun glasses, and a very dark blue (practically black) baseball cap. As for the main project that I was involved with that will air within the second hour of the show, several other guys from THOR and myself go under the team name "Thor's Hammer" as part of a contest where 8 teams compete to get an 8 foot tall rocket successfully built and flown in the least amount of time. Before the show is to first air on Sunday, I will give everyone a sneak preview of what to expect. If anyone misses the first or second airing during Sunday evening, it will be reaired twice on Thursday evening, once during the day on Saturday the 15th, and during the evening of Saturday the 22nd on the Discovery Channel. First of all here are the members of Thor's Hammer of which I was the team leader for: (from left to right) Rick Bosworth, Tony Nicklin, George Wimmer and his son Andrew (Andrew is more into rocketry then his dad!), and me (Richard "Apollo Leader" Burney)! Right behind me and to the right are some of the First TV people. This picture was taken before the contest started.
  8. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=130122 This time it's a mix of stuff instead of just one movie. Looks like that Ben Dixon is as horny as ever!
  9. I didn't have the chance to watch episode 2 yet, but I taped it and will watch it tomorrow. As for Jack's heroin addiction is it because: 1) he had to use it while undercover and he unintentionally got addicted? 2) he started using it because of long term health problems he suffered as the result of the torture he went through in ep.2? I know, I know... I should wath ep. 2 and find out!
  10. BTW, for those who go with the fliptop modification, I would recommend completely turning off your system if you are not using it for a while. The fliptop replacement case does NOT have that thin piece of aluminum inside like the original system case which is probably designed to disapate the heat from the idoling system so it doesn't remain concentrated in one part of the case.
  11. You are playing as "Apollo Leader" who commands Apollo Team/Squadron... someone from Sega must have heard about me. As for your problem, unfortunately it's been a few days since I last played the game so I can't help you there.
  12. Just to add a few more thoughts to this discussion: 1) In DYRL, the Macross is a Meltlandi ship instead of a Supervision Army ship. Britai's fleet was probably chasing it when they discovered it had folded to Earth. 2) In the DYRL mode for the PS2 Macross game, the beginning stage of the game remains consistent with what was established with the Sega Saturn game... the Zentradi arrived at Earth before the Macross took off. Whether they attacked the Earth because the UN Spacy initiated the first offense or they just decided to wipe out all life just because the former Meltlandi ship was there has never been explained... maybe someone can ask Kawamori next time he attends a US con or Egan has the chance to ask him some questions.
  13. Since this movie doesn't have Sigourney Frickin' Weaver in it, I think it's going to be just fine.
  14. I'm late to the whole 24 phenomenom... first I started watching the Season 1 DVD's last spring while simultaneously watching the last few episodes of season 2. Now that season 3 has started, I'm about to go out and get the season 2 DVD set so I can get totally caught up on everything!
  15. Yes. I just found this out myself........you have to hit L2 + R2 at the same time. (surpassing the gerwalk mode). I believe the tutorial mode explains this.
  16. One more for now.
  17. More Floating Head craziness!
  18. Here is one of THE original Floating/Froating Kawamori appearances as created by AidanK!
  19. Britai is also being voiced by a new actor... the guy who originally voiced Britai has been dead since 1985.
  20. Just to add a few thoughts to this thread: 1) No one is holding a gun to anyone's head here to buy any of these toys. Don't buy it at all or wait until you can buy it cheaper. 2) Yamato wanted to make it so these 1/48th Valks could have swappable heads, but Big West shot that idea down. 3) The Hikaru VF-1S will have all the improvements done to the 1/48th series... thus it is a different toy then the Hikaru VF-1A from almost a year ago. 4)People (like me!) are glad that the Hikaru VF-1S is being made a reality by Yamato especially since Bandai gave us the chaff.
  21. I got my Macross game today. After two hours of straight gameplay, I will have to say that this is THE greatest Macross game EVER made! Since I have all the US releases of AM2's Aerodancing games for the Dreamcast (Aerowings) and PS2 (Aero Elite), I immeadiately went into the options and set the controls to "NORMAL" and went with Type A... this way, the L1 and R2 buttons act as the rudders for yawing left and right like on a real plane (FINALLY... somebody put this feature in a Macross game!) while the L2 and R2 control transformation. Still getting use to the control schemes for Battroid and Gerwalk, but I am liking the way this game handles, looks, and sounds. One of the nice touches in the space levels is that that there are yaw/pitch jets on the wing tips (just like you would need for manueavering in space). For those still contemplating getting the game, I would highly recommend it!
  22. Here it is (from the January 2003 issue of Animerica)!
  23. If I have the chance this evening, I'll try to get it posted.
  24. It's pink... For some reason it reminds me of prune juice! Graham It looks like SDFcommander's flash is causing the color to turn out a little different. Otherwise the color is floating somewhere between a dark purple or a dark brown (I guess that would be kind of like prune juice! ).
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