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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. If you can't get a copy on tape, I'll see what I can do.
  2. Okay, did anybody watch it? I saw myself quite a few times throughout all three episodes usually in 1 to 3 second bits. Unfortunately, they didn't use the brief interview they taped of me out at the pads for the "From the Ground Up" Contest. For those who missed it, check the beginning of this thread or check my sig for the additional reair dates.
  3. Almost forgot, but here is what 316 Estes D motors look like.
  4. Since it was underpowered, Maxie D's timer didn't deploy it's chutes until it was about to hit the ground.
  5. Just have time to post one more. Not sure if this will be on, but Larry Drake of our group tried to beat his old cluster record of successfully lighting 269 A10's back in 1997. In this case, he tried to do 316 Estes D11's... unfortunately, only about 140 of them lit.
  6. Post flight (left to right) - Frank Uroda (founder and president of Public Missiles Limited - PML was a spnosor for this project), Greg Rothman (Greg and everyone else on this list belongs to THOR), Bruce Lee, Kevin Rich, Devin Rich, Deb Trojanowski, and Kevin Trojanowski.
  7. Liftoff! Powered by 3 AeroTech J260 hybrids, Stumpy got to about 790 feet before it buckled.
  8. Stumpy - World's tallest model rocket - over 52 feet tall!
  9. Post flight. Even with the motors still under a little bit of power, Our Stinkin' Rocket was too baddly damaged. It might fly again next year!
  10. ...with bot chutes opened, Stinkin' hardly got over a 100 feet up...
  11. Liftoff! Unfortunately, the two parachutes have already deployed...
  12. The show will start in an hour and a half, but I will go ahead and give a sneak preview of some of what you will see. First of all, here is "Our Stinkin' Rocket:. As can be seen, it is an actual Porta Potty! This thing was powered by two AeroTech M1419's. From left to right: Bruce Lee (who is president of THOR and is treasurer of Tripoli Rocketry Association - no Bruce Lee jokes, please ), unknown, Ky Michaelson (owner of Rocketman Enterprises), Jodi Michaelson (Ky's wife), Tony Cochran (fellow THOR member), and unknown.
  13. Since this thread's back up, I noticed that Gamestop now has Encounters in Space moved up to early December. As for EIS getting a one star rating in OPM, EIS did average a 6.5 out of 10 in Game Informer magazine. Since I can now play Japanese PS2 games, the temptation to get AEUG vs. Titans is growing. Ditto for Gihren's Greed.
  14. On the old Takatokus, they had no detachable heat shield. Maybe the cockpit was molded red to give the illusion that it has a red heat shield, kind of like how Takatoku tinted the canopy of Roy's VF-1S very dark and then painted the skull and crossbones on top all for the purpose of making it appear that the toy had a heat shield.
  15. The good news about this game is that it stands a chance of a US release... Nintendo Power has had it listed for a US release for a while now. Can't get enough of the One Year War.
  16. Domo! I'm about to hit the sack (just got back from seeing Matrix Rev.), but tomorrow I'll be posting more pictures.
  17. Uggghhhh! I missed it! Will this first episode be reaired? When does the DVD of all these mini cartoons come out???
  18. Yep, but it's a small one (about 1,400 Newtons).
  19. THOR's Hammer hits the Kansas skies. When all was said and done, our team I believe ended up in fourth place. The winning team got a trophy (can't remember if anything else). ALL teams got to keep their rockets and the Cesaroni Pro54 motor cases! In the case of our team, we ended up dividing up the rocket amongst ourselves. I ended up keeping most of the rocket (except the nose cone) myself. I plan on cleaining, repairing, and repainting it over the winter. I tentatively plan on going with a Char Aznable scheme and call it the Red Comet! Over the next few days, I will post some of the other special rockets you will see on the Discovery Channel this Sunday evening.
  20. Here's a shot of all the teams. All the rockets were being flown with the newly certified Cesaroni K530 Smoky Sam motor.
  21. Here's our team getting the rocket readied on the pad.
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