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Apollo Leader

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Everything posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Though the F-16XL (or E/F if it had gone into production) would have been neat to have seen gone into service, this is just like the competition between the F/A-18E and the Super Tomcat... the larger, air superiority fighter already has the capacity, range, and power to be turned into a long range strike aircraft. In the case of the F-16 and F/A-18, they are light weight, short range fighters not meant to do the work of an aircraft like the F-111. Also, the F-15E has the extra security of having two engines instead of just one. I'm curious how the XL was "better" then the F-15E. As for the F-16XL variant being an ATF substitute, considering all the reflective surfaces from its weapons and pylons, it would only have a slightly lower RCS from the front. From any other angle, like GD's ATF entry, it would stand up like a sore thumb. The F-16 and XL probably have a slightly lower RCS then their contemporaries, but only when completely clean. Psuedo stealth does not cut it.
  2. Yes that was CG done for the instruction booklet for the Super Famicom/SNES Scrambled Valkyrie.
  3. General Dynamics ATF proposal failed because they ended up having to go with a single tail in order to get their design to work (resulting in a much larger side RCS)... two tail versions of GD's basic design ran into a whole bunch of aerodynamic problems because they tried to put the tails out in the midsection of the wings.
  4. I know Firefox's F-16 is fictional and Nied's F-16 was a proposal that Lockheed had proposed for the international market (I believe it was specifically for a Middle Eastern country), but these kind of RCS reductions are a joke. The 90 degree angle resulting from the single tail and weapons hanging on pylons and at the wingtips would pretty much destroy whatever RCS reduction was achieved.
  5. I think Tommy and company should be "reaching out to fans of anime today" by promoting their Macross, Mospeada, and Southern Cross DVD releases instead of butchering the 3 series a second time over... but hey, that's just me. Looks like Animeigo's restored Macross footage is being used afterall so my speculation was wrong there.
  6. After some more thought, I remembered that Southern Cross had some of the animation actually altered so that the second sun in the background was deleted, so this probably means that they won't use the remastered Southern Cross footage. Also, they would probably have to negotiate with Animeigo to utilize its remastered Macross footage. As for those who are comparing this DVD release to other US DVD releases, there is little comparison. With LOTR, for example, the extended version boxset was known in advanced. Also, there is TONS of added materials making this purchase worthwile. Hell, there is even a rebate offered for those who bought the DVD's that came out in August! In the case of the Robotech "Special Editions", it will be a step backwards. The only "improvements" are a slight clean up of a poor media format, reincorporation of a few scenes which you can see in much better quality on the unedited DVD's of the originals of all 3 Japanese series, and "new" opening and closing sequences are being used. There will be no extra materials like with the original boxsets. For those who have seen the poor quality the original Robotech DVD's were in, there should have been no excuses back then and they should have done it right from the get go.
  7. Just to add a few more thoughts: 1) According to Toyfare, the Zeta toys will be released as early as next spring, though the main concentration will be SEED (gag ). Since the Toyfare article pretty much let the cat out of the bag, I will say that this has been the whole reason for the delay of the Zeta series and related merchandise - those Gundam Wing lovin' fruit loops over at Cartoon Network refusing to show Zeta. 2) I've been told that the Arch Enemy Gundam and Gelgoog will be released in the spring... I will definitely buy two of each! 3) As for MSIA's on the decline in the US, it's been those silly G Gundam figures that are hurting sales. At the stores I frequent, it's mainly the G Gundam figures (regular and Battle Scarred) that seem to be collecting dust.
  8. Any more commercials, Shawn?
  9. I was scanning through www.gundamofficial.com during the last few days and made the discovery that they have a picture of a MSIA of the FA-78 Full Armor Gundam. Does anyone know if this was ever released in the US yet or is this figure still sitting in the same limbo that the Zeta figures are sitting in (a 2004 release)?
  10. Picked up my Extended Set this evening and will probably watch this weekend. My precious!!!
  11. From what I recall, Robotech couldn't be remastered, at least not easily, in part because most or all of the footage was on tapes instead of regular film and it would be very expensive to recut Animeigo and ADV's restored footage of the original series into "remastered" Robotech footage. If I was a Robotechie I would be steamed if I had either bought all the original discs separately, bought the original 7 box sets, and/or bought the 3 box sets (without the extras DVD's). At times like this I'm glad I'm a Macross/Mospeada/Southern Cross "Purist" who didn't waste his money on Robotech DVD's.
  12. My question is are the sizes shown (ie. L, XL, etc.) going by US standards or Japanese standards... "Large" in Japan might be different then "Large" in the US!
  13. I believe Gamestop has it for a December 30/31 release.
  14. Based on the previews for next week, I hope Jack brought some soap on a rope!
  15. BoB, if I was still doing the Gunsight 1 newsletter, I would be posting your art every issue. Nice job!
  16. If I'm right, there is suppose to be a special Gamecube bundle that will have the original 2 NES Zelda games, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask all on one disk! This may be available at just Kmart righ now, but I would check around. As for me, my current GC lineup is: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (I also have the special preorder disc which has Ocarina of Time and the souped up version) Metroid Prime Rogue Squadron II Ikaruga Future games I plan on getting: Soul Cailbur II (I know I'm a few months behind! ) Mario Kart Double Dash (this week!) Mobile Suit Gundam (if the US release does indeed happen...) F-Zero
  17. What!?!?! Triple H didn't get the belt back!?!?!
  18. Ugggghhh!!! I can't get it out of my head! Die-uh..........cologne
  19. You can see which fin got busted and the lower tube was damaged, too. 0.093 G10 phenolic is strong, but a 15 pound fin canister dropping from 1,600 feet is going to break something! To the left is the rocket from the Rocket Challenge contest THOR's Hammer flew and in the back is Macross Plus.
  20. A few weeks ago Gundam was flown on what will be it's last flight for awhile. The flight this time was an AeroTech K695R. This time I just used the altimeter in conjunction with the motor's ejection chare. Big mistake! I got the delay a little too short causing the ejection to happen prematurely. The main tube zippered pretty badly. The whole main section ended up falling to the ground without a parachute because the D ring attached to the heatshield ripped out. On landing, one of the fins broke, too. The beauty of my design though allows me to replace all the damaged parts. Gundam will fly again! (If anyone wants the movie files of this flight let me know)
  21. Here was my picture of the flight.
  22. Liftoff! Flight was on an AeroTech K700. Two ejection charges were controlled by a Missile Works altimeter and a timer. Peak altitude was about 2,748 feet. Successful flight!
  23. Here I am posing with Gundam.
  24. Thow it's not on Rocket Challenge, here are some new pictures I got of me and Mobile Rocket Gundam (all pictures are copyrighted by Nadine Kinney... Nadine if you are seeing this you will see I gave you credit!!! ). Here's Gundam being raised into place.
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